Posts By Bob Gourley

PlugFest at AFCEA West: Terracotta Wins First Place

By Bob Gourley Government technologists have always been under pressure to make engineering choices that are efficient and effective. They must support demanding missions under resource constraints and this is one of the reason government technologists like seeing proof that something works before investing in it. Demonstrations, prototypes and proof of concepts are important inRead… Read more »

MeriTalk: The Government IT Network

By Bob Gourley In this series of posts we are providing views on three key community-focused, virtuous collaborative venue that help the DC tech community exchange lessons learned and accomplish big goals. With this series we hope to provide insights you can use to make the most out of MeriTalk, GovLoop, and WashingtonExec. We selectedRead… Read more »

INSA Publishes White Paper on Intelligence Community Information Technology Enterprise

By Bob Gourley The Intelligence and National Security Alliance (INSA) has released a white paper documenting the vision and approach for enhancing enterprise information technology in support of intelligence and national security missions. This paper, titled ”Doing in Common What Is Commonly Done” provides insights based on interviews of government leaders including CIOs, CTOs andRead… Read more »

14 Feb CTOvision Podcast

By Bob Gourley In this podcast we offer assessments on two coming events of high interest, the 7 March Government Big Data Forum and the 8-10 April DIA Worldwide Mission Conference. We also offer context on these stories: Important Observations on Pentagon IT from Arthur Herman and John Scott and Joint Information Environment – IncrementRead… Read more »

Mission Focused Defense Intelligence WorldWide Conference: 8-10 April 2013 in Baltimore MD

By BobGourley The Department of Defense’s most elegant missions require advanced technologies exquisitely operated by highly trained professionals. This is especially true of intelligence missions, where complex situations involving threats to the nation must be assessed and acted upon quickly. One of the critically important mechanisms used by planners in DoD intelligence to collaborate andRead… Read more »

MarkLogic 6: An introduction

By Ryan Kamauff The latest permeation of MarkLogic (version 6) offers ACID (atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability) transactions, horizontal scaling, real-time indexing, high availability, disaster recovery, government-grade security and built-in search. MarkLogic has made application development easier with Java and REST APIs. They also added JSON support. This allows developers to use their language of choice,Read… Read more »

Selling to Government (Especially DoD) – It’s not all about YOU!

By ChrisScott My job is all about finding commercial solutions that will solve government problems. Some of my favorite work experiences have been when I can connect a new technology to an existing government problem! Talk about satisfying! Although every company is unique in what it offers, the process is often similar. First, I striveRead… Read more »