Posts By Bob Gourley

My Infosec Wish for 2013: A Balanced Cyberwarfare Debate

By AdamElkus I can already hear the chuckling. “Cyber warfare? Balanced? And I’d like partisanship in Washington to end, a double date with Mila Kunis and Scarlett Johansson, and some fries with that!” Yes, my desire is utopian, but the fact that I would have to qualify it with a self-deprecating remark suggests the distanceRead… Read more »

CTOvision Big Data Reporting for 2012: CTOs want discipline in the language of sensemaking

By BobGourley This special report provides insights from a our reporting over the last 12 months, including summaries of our Government Big Data Newsletter (sign up for this weekly report here Among the many Big Data themes we reported on in 2012, one seemed to resonate the most with our readers– all of usRead… Read more »

Classifying Today’s “Big Data Innovators”

By Daniel Abadi Editor’s note: The piece below by Daniel Abadi first appeared on the Hadapt blog and is republished with permission here. The framework presented provides insight into the very dynamic market around “Big Data Innovators” and should be of use for classifying many other firms in this interesting space. –bg Recently InformationWeek publishedRead… Read more »

Hold The Date: 30 Jan Cloudera is sponsoring a federal Big Data Forum focused on national security missions

By BobGourley Friends at Cloudera are lead sponsors and coordinators of a new Big Data Forum focused on Apache Hadoop. The first, which will be held 30 January 2013 in Columbia Maryland, will be focused on lessons learned of use to the national security community. This is primarily for practitioners and leaders fielding real workingRead… Read more »

CTOvision Analytics Reporting for 2012: The year of the enterprise tool suite for analytics

By BobGourley This special report provides insights from a our reporting over the last 12 months, including summaries of our Weekly Analytical Tools Newsletter. Be sure to sign up for this report by visiting As a writing team we have close ties to the analytical missions of the national security space (our publisher, BobRead… Read more »

Please Update Your CTOvision Subscription Preferences

By BobGourley Over the last three years CTOvision has grown to become one of the most widely read outlets in the federal IT space, earning recognition by Forbes as one of the top 20 most influential on the topic of Big Data and recognition by FedTechMagazine as one of the top 50 “Must Read” federalRead… Read more »

Kurzweil Makes a Strategic Move: Could this be the technology story of the decade?

By BobGourley Every technologist knows of Ray Kurzweil. He is like a modern day Galileo- playing a major thought leadership role in the technology revolution (Ray’s wikipedia entry does a pretty good job summarizing his background). Google recently announced that Kurzweil will be joining them as a director of engineering. Details were provided on Kurzweil’sRead… Read more »

Cloud Front Group Capabilities Featured in Geospatial Intelligence Forum

By BobGourley The Geospatial Intelligence Forum highlighted the capabilities of the Cloud Front Group in an assessment titled “Analysis for Action” This piece highlights the importance of well engineered systems to extract and move the right information. Cloud Front Group is known for their work with the best available American technologies including capabilities from SaratogaRead… Read more »