Posts By Bob Gourley

Please join us at the 2012 FedCyber Summit: Amazing presentations and interactive cross-agency/sector panels

By BobGourley We look forward to seeing you at the 2012 FedCyber Summit on 15 Nov 2012. An amazing group of cyber security professionals from all three branches of the federal government have signed up to attend. They are being joined by other world-class-best cyber security professionals from industry and academia, including some of theRead… Read more »

Why Every Person Should Want Electronic Health Records.

By MollyJust The benefits of electronic health records are not just for providers. Although healthcare providers are making progress in adopting health IT, Americans surprisingly seem less than enthusiastic about the change. According to a study of 2,147 adults conducted by Harris Interactive in May 2012, only 26% of Americans want their medical records toRead… Read more »

Ethics and Values in Cloud Computing Architecture

By Kord Davis Cloud computing and data center infrastructure providers are realizing more and more what Dion Hinchcliffe pointed out to me months ago during an interview for Ethics of Big Data. Namely that the physical manifestation and configuration of their architecture can be viewed as a direct, real-world expression of their organizational values. WhatRead… Read more »

An Update On DoD’s Ambitious Joint Information Environment

By BobGourley The Department of Defense and its key Information Technology players (including DISA and leadership at OSD/DoD CIO) have done a tremendous job in keeping the community informed on a new, ambitious approach to enterprise IT in DoD called the Joint Information Environment. They have presented at industry days, spoken at major conferences, andRead… Read more »

CTOlabs White Paper on Model-Enabled Analysis: Factors for Evaluation

By BobGourley, a subsidiary of the technology research, consulting and services firm Crucial Point LLC and a peer site of, has just announced a white paper on the advanced analytical construct known as “ Model-Enabled Analysis.” This paper, titled “Model Enabled Analysis: Factors for Evaluation” provides background on model-driven analysis, an overview ofRead… Read more »

Tim Ferriss on the Quantified Self

By MollyJust Tim Ferriss, the author of The 4-Hour Work Week and The 4-Hour Body, spoke about the popular Quantified Self movement at Wired’s recent health conference – Living By Numbers. The Quantified Self is a movement aimed at integrating technology into the data collection of a person’s daily life in terms of inputs (ex.Read… Read more »

The Election could Re-Write Cyber Org Charts, New Rules of Cyberwar (Post-Stuxnet) and more

By RyanKamauff Here are today’s top cyber news and stories. While most are looking at the financial, socio-economic and national defense ramifications of the election, Nextgov takes a look the cyber ramifications of the election – Many federal leaders are political appointees, especially in the cyber realm. When the fallout from this election clears, weRead… Read more »