Posts By Bob Gourley

FBI Warns of Mobile Malware, Agencies to Adopt NSTIC

By RyanKamauff Here are today’s top cyber news and stories. The FBI and the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) are warning consumers of enhanced malware – The two latest malware for mobile devices are Loozfon and FinFisher. These target users with phishing emails promising profits. While Loozfun is only on Android devices, FinFisher can beRead… Read more »

DoD and Small Businesses: Nice Work if you can get it!

By ChrisScott Recently, DoD has made some unprecedented changes that favor small businesses in government contracting. This has tipped the scale in their favor and many previous large-business opportunities are being set-aside for small businesses. When Ashton Carter was appointed Deputy Secretary of Defense last year, he set in motion a series of events thatRead… Read more »

YouTube record broken, new OpenStack clouds and more

By RyanKamauff Jumping from the edge of space set a new YouTube record (via Wired) Here are yesterday’s (oops!) top tech news and stories. When Felix Baumgarter jumped 120,000 miles above the earth, he also set a YouTube record for simultaneous views – the record setting jump was live posted on YouTube. The event wasRead… Read more »

Rap Genius: Coming to your enterprise

By BobGourley With this post I want to lay out a way rap music is going to forever change the world of enterprise IT. Rap will have this impact on IT in many enterprises, but one of the biggest impacts, I predict, will be on the US Intelligence Community and in DoD. First some backgroundRead… Read more »

Of Cyber Doom, Dots, and Distractions

By SeanLawson On October 11, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta gave a speech on “Defending the Nation from Cyber Attack” to the Business Executives for National Security in New York City. On the whole, the speech was unremarkable. It repeated what have become the standard, policy-maker talking points about cyber threats. Recently, these have comeRead… Read more »

2012 Recorded Future User Conference

By BobGourley Today, 16 Oct 2012, Recorded Future will be holding their first annual user network conference in DC. This promises to be a fantastic event and we hope to see many CTOvision readers there. For those that can’t make it, you can track the event on Twitter via the #RFUN2012 hashtag and via theRead… Read more »

Cloud Front Group: Focuses On Integrated Technologies To Meet Mission Needs

By BobGourley Cloud Front Group was forged to provide game-changing analytical technologies to transform decision-making. The firm is building on years of deep mission understanding and architecture experience to bring the right solutions to bear on some of the nation’s hardest analytical challenges. Bob Gourley serves as the Cloud Front Group CTO to ensure everyRead… Read more »

Do You Think You Have Innovative New Technology For the Intelligence Community?

By BobGourley‘s parent is Crucial Point LLC, a consultancy that operates in the federal IT ecosystem. We are especially focused on technologies of interest to the national security community. That is largely because of our background. All of us at Crucial Point, including me, have a background in national security matters. So as youRead… Read more »

Sequestration and DoD IT: No Plan In Sight

By ChrisScott Everywhere I go now, all I hear about is the upcoming Armageddon called sequestration. As I visit DoD offices, attend conferences and mingle with my colleagues at breakfasts or in the halls of Government Agencies or Industry Headquarters, we all nervously query each other in hushed voices. “Is your Company planning any layRead… Read more »