Posts By Bob Gourley

More North Africa and the Middle East Monitoring By Recorded Future

Earlier, Recorded Future used their visualization and analysis tools to create interactive streams for monitoring the crises in Beghazi and Cairo, where U.S. Embassies were stormed by rioters and four Americans killed in an attack including the Ambassador to Libya. Their service creates an index of past, present, and predicted events from over 150,000 onlineRead… Read more »

We Don’t Know Who Buys American Drones, NASA’s Visual Data Processing, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: The Government Accountability Office found that the federal government has no way of knowing which countries have purchased American drones because of inadequate databases and weak communication between licensing departments and intelligence agencies. More here. The United States Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity has awarded aRead… Read more »

An Overview of Apple’s Event Yesterday

The slick new iPod Touch is a needed re-vamp on a (formerly) best selling product…and everyone is raving about the re-designed headphones as well Yesterday, the whole tech world took a little break to listen in on what Apple had to say. Apple released details on three key products, the iPhone 5, the 5th generationRead… Read more »

Two Fun Big Data Videos Every Techie Should Watch

With this post I would like to introduce two videos I recommend any enterprise technologist watch. Both are from the website at The first is actually very NON-technical. It is a short, cute (with rainbows and butterflies) cartoon that talks in small words about some key use cases most businesses are experiencing today, andRead… Read more »

Announcing the 15 Nov 2012 FedCyber com Cyber Security Summit

The practitioner-focused Cyber Security Summit will be held 15 Nov 2012 at the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington DC. This event is designed for those who play active roles in defending systems. Our focus is always on finding ways to share lessons, exchange ideas and learn best practices. This year we have built inRead… Read more »

Electronic Surveillance and WiFi Sniffing Without Warrants and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: The House of Representatives passed the renewed Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act allowing electronic surveillance of Americans without a warrant. More here. Panelists at the House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Infrastructure Protection and Security Technologies testified that American civilian infrastructure is not prepared for electromagnetic pulses.Read… Read more »

A reaction to the Amazon Kindle Event

The 7″ Kindle Fire comes in two variants, both WiFi which offer a huge upgrade over last years version Last week, Amazon wowed the crowds at their recent event with some amazing products. They released a new “Paperwhite” Kindle e-reader, with an updated display for better reading and interaction. They released an updated Kindle Fire,Read… Read more »

Recorded Future Monitors the Crises in Cairo and Benghazi

Recorded Future creates an index of past, present, and predicted events from over 150,000 online sources and provides visualization tools to help analysts harness the predictive power of the web. They applied these capabilities to monitor the current crises in Cairo and Benghazi by analyzing events leading to the attacks and protests, monitoring the momentumRead… Read more »

The Pentagon Wants to Automate Cyber Defenses but not Robots, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: The Department of Defense is looking to use Big Data to automate its cyber defenses. More here. The hacking collective Anonymous plans a massive worldwide protest on October 20 against surveillance. More here. The White House has launched a resource page for developers that provides anRead… Read more »

Military Open Source Software (Mil-OSS) WG4 Washington DC Oct 15-17

Mil-OSS is a volunteer collective of mission-focused open source professionals seeking to serve some of the nation’s most critically important missions, those in the national security community. Mil-OSS exists to improve technology development and innovation across the DoD by connecting and empowering the active community of patriotic open source developers and solution providers, improving useRead… Read more »