Posts By Bob Gourley

What’s your future look like? Upcoming Recorded Future Webcasts

Recorded Future pulls from the greater web to provide you context Recorded Future is a unique capability that crawls the web to provide real time intelligence predicting future actions. They are offering the following September Webcasts; Monitoring Protests and Unrest Corporate and government analysts are challenged by the volume of online media containing intelligence forRead… Read more »

Marines Develop a Tactical Robotic Controller, NATO Installing Anti-Leak System for Afghanistan, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: NATO’s International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan is installing a system on its networks that can block data sharing through emails, blogs, various segments of the network, as well CDs, thumb drives and other storage devices. More here. The U.S. Marine Corps has developed the TacticalRead… Read more »

Cleversafe Sponsored Breakfast Discussion: Ways to improve the effectiveness of your data center consolidation efforts

On September 12, 2012, Cleversafe will be sponsoring a breakfast discussion on topics of high interest to federal IT professionals: ways to improve the effectiveness of data consolidation efforts. Here is more info from the event invite: The Data Center Consolidation Blues Ways to Improve the Effectiveness of Your Consolidation Efforts Are you responsible forRead… Read more »

Settlement reached in e-book case, China passes US in smartphones and more

Here’s today’s top tech news stories. Microsoft Opens Registration for Imagine Cup 2013 – Microsoft has opened up registration for their student technology competition. Students 16 and older can partake in national events, looking to the worldwide competition. Via TechCrunch, more here. Samsung has seen a spike in smartphone sales this past week – ApparentlyRead… Read more »

Counterintelligence Strategic Partnerships

Editor’s Note: The following background and overview of the FBI Counterintelligence Strategic Partnerships Program is from the FBI Strategic Partnership site, we will be providing more information from this site on a periodic basis as a service to the community. -bg The challenge: to protect United States sensitive information, technologies, and thereby competitiveness in anRead… Read more »

Obama’s Reddit AMA, Intelligence Community Cloud Operating System, and More

Here’s today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: The Army added two new appendices to its guide “End-State Army Enterprise Network Architecture” that provide further guidance and standards for deployed tactical and the enterprise networks. More here. The National Association of State Chief Information Officers released a report advising members to develop a Big DataRead… Read more »

A look at the big IFA releases and more

The Internationale Funkausstellung is the hottest place to be right now for consumer electronics Samsung is unveiling a bevy of electronics, including, the Note 2, a Windows Phone 8 (Ativ S), a touchscreen Windows 8 laptop, and more – the Galaxy Note 2 looks pretty amazing, but while I like the device and size asRead… Read more »

Wiper Malware May Be Linked to U.S., Cyber Crime Costs Called Into Question, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: The Wiper malware that hit Iran’s oil industry in the spring shares some characteristics with Stuxnet and DuQu which may link it to the U.S. and Israel. More here. Google, Amazon, and other major companies adopted Securities and Exchange Commission guidelines on disclosing cyber attacks. MoreRead… Read more »

Firefox for Tablets updated, Flipboard hits 3B flips and more

Firefox is a great alternative browser for the mobile device of your choice Here is the top tech news and stories for Tuesday (sorry about the delay). Firefox for Tablets updated with speed and power – one of the top mobile browsers is Firefox. Their latest update mirrors the most recent smartphone update. Unlike manyRead… Read more »