Posts By Bob Gourley

NASA’s Android-Powered Satellite, Navy Cybersecurity Scholarships, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: NASA’s PhoneSat, a 2 poind 10 ounce nanosatelite to be launched in October. will be powered by an HTC Nexus One and Samsung Nexus S Android phones. More here. The Federal Aviation Administration launched a government-industry working group to determine whether more electronic devices can beRead… Read more »

Holograms for the Intelligence Community, White House Mandates Digitization, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: The Air Force issued a broad agency announcement for concept papers to develop its Cyberspace Warfare Operations focusing on offensive capabilities. More here. The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity is looking to develop holographic imagery and data displays. More here. The Federal CIO Council released recommendationsRead… Read more »

CTOlabs Data Storage and Analysis Survey

The open concept development site is conducting a survey seeking information on Data Storage and Analysis practices in the federal ecosystem. If you are a technologist or executive with insights and lessons learned to share regarding data storage and analysis we would very much appreciate your views. The results of this survey will beRead… Read more »

A look at the Apple v Samsung Trial, Google’s response and more

The real (non-adulterated) comparison of the two phones, yes they are similar, but one is markedly different Here are the top tech stories you might have missed this weekend, obviously, most stories focus around the Apple v Samsung trial. Here is an intensive editorial look at Apple v Samsung trial from the editors of Engadget.Read… Read more »

The Future of Air Force Cyber Warfare

As part of the Pentagon’s increasing focus on offensive computer network operations, on August 22, the Air Force Life Cycle Management Center issued a broad agency announcement inviting “concept papers addressing Information Operations(IO) focusing on Cyberspace Warfare Operations (CWO).” This pre-solicitation calls for ten page proposals with estimated prices and delivery periods for a wideRead… Read more »

Defining Big Data for the Public CIO

The following is a piece I wrote for Public CIO. It is reposted here with their permission. I would appreciate your thoughts on this topic. How do you think public CIO’s should define Big Data? -bg Enterprise IT professionals, including public CIOs, have long recognized the power of data, and the exciting new sense-making capabilitiesRead… Read more »

Federal “Bring Your Own Device” Toolkit, Unifying Offense and Defense at CYBERCOM, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: The Department of Homeland Security’s fingerprint database for foreigners entering the United States has 825,000 records associated with multiple individuals, most of which are due to data entry errors but also false identities. More here. The federal government released its “Bring Your Own Device” toolkit forRead… Read more »

DARPA Opens up for Plan X Proposers’ Day Workshop

On the 27th of September, 2012, DARPA will be holding a one day workshop “in support of the anticipated Broad Agency Announcement for the Plan X.” This workshop will be held in Arlington, VA and offer unclassified and classified sessions. Here is a description of Plan X: “The objective of the Plan X program isRead… Read more »