Posts By Bob Gourley

CTOvision Mobile Application for iPhone and iPad

The CTOvision Mobile Application is now available in the Apple iTunes application store. The application focuses on content we create for technologists, but it also contains a curated list of coming events we believe are of high interest plus curated lists of the videos we want to bring to your attention on topics like BigRead… Read more »

The March and April 2000 Hack on Maroochy Shire: Cyber History Made

In October 2001 an Australian man was sent to prison for two years for what was probably the first hacker generated cyber attack against civilian infrastructure in history. This event at Maroochy Shire, Queensland, is worth study for several reasons, including the fact that it proved this sort of attack was possible. It was, atRead… Read more »

NASA’s Space Robot App, FBI Investigates Chinese Firm For Selling Iran US SurvNeillance Tech, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement has seized 70 websites for alleged copyright infringement. More here. The National Institute of Standards and Technology has updated security standard for the Personal Identity Verification cards for all federal employees and contractors to account for technological change. More here. TheRead… Read more »

Android Continues To Lead US Smartphone Market

New reporting by Nielsen provides context on smartphone buying habits important for enterprise technologists to understand. According to Nielsen, two thirds of mobile buyers are now buying smartphones, and Android is dominating this smartphone market. 51.8% of smartphone owners are using an Android OS handset. Just over a third (34%) of smartphone owners use anRead… Read more »

Virginia Center For Innovative Technology (CIT) Research Commercialization Fund Award Announcements

The Virginia Center For Innovative Technology (CIT) made an announcement today I would like to share with you. It is more proof of great innovation across the commonwealth. Congratulations to all awardees. We all look forward to tracking your progress. Today’s press release is below: CIT ANNOUNCES 2nd ROUND AWARDS OF THE FY2012 COMMONWEALTH RESEARCHRead… Read more »

The Pentagon’s Cloud Strategy, Office of Naval Research Innovation, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: The Department of Homeland Security Inspector General reported that some Customs and Border Protection critical information technology systems are prone to periodic outages. More here. The Department of Defense released a four step cloud strategy that appoints the Defense Information Systems Agencyto oversee all cloud purchases.Read… Read more »

“What is Terracotta?”

Last week, Ryan provided a great summary of Terracotta’s capabilities. Terracotta’s solutions help your applications scale to a growing user base and handle Big Data without massive costs or diminishing performance. The video above provides a brief introduction that makes it easy to understand how they accomplish this. Terracotta also produced a video on whatRead… Read more »

General Alexander’s Vision, the New DARPA Director, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: Kim Dotcom and his Megaupload associates offered the Federal Bureau of Investigation to fly to the United States without an extradition hearing in New Zealand in return for a fair trial garuntee and funds for lawyers and living expenses unfrozen. More here. The Government Accountability OfficeRead… Read more »

Cleversafe Engineers a New Dispersed Compute Storage Solution with Hadoop

Cleversafe provides dispersed storage solutions that give infinite scale and cost-effective data storage/protection/access. Apache Hadoop and the CDH4 distribution provides all the required software for implementing MapReduce and the other chores associated with analysis over massive quantities of data. What if these two capabilities could be combined in a smart, well engineered way? The potentialRead… Read more »

Improving Army and Navy Pilots With Computers, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: The U.S. Army is seeking wearable computers for helicopter pilots rather than redesigning and replacing consoles for existing aircraft. More here. The Office of Naval Research wants monitoring, alarm, and mitigation systems to prevent oxygen deprivation in pilots. More here. President Obama signed an executive orderRead… Read more »