Posts By Bob Gourley

Private Sector Implications of Operation Olympic Games

The New York Times revealed today what many experts had already asserted regarding the United States role in the Stuxnet attack. While speculation of U.S. involvement complicated international relations on cyber conflict, an acknowledgement of U.S. involvement in a forum such as the New York Times heralds in a brave new world of cyber conflict.Read… Read more »

More Virtuous Examination of the Big Data Construct: TechAmerica Foundation Announces Leadership for “Big Data” Commission

We recently wrote about TechAmerica and their activities related to Big Data in the Public Sector. A Big Data Task Force in TechAmerica’s public sector group has kicked off a collaborative activity in a Big Data Task Force. There has been a new development in domain. The foundation arm of TechAmerica, which is the groupRead… Read more »

DARPA’s Cyber Attack Operating System, SOCOM Mobile Encryption, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s Plan X is reaching out to the private sector and universities to develop an operating system capable of launching cyber attacks and surviving counterattacks. More here. U.S. Special Operations Command is looking for new encryption techniques for mobile devices toRead… Read more »

The SASC’s NDAA, White House Initiative Against Botnets, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: The Senate Armed Services Committee has approved its version of the National Defense Authorization Act which would aim to recruit young people to work in cybersecurity, develop a Department of Defense cyber testing and evaluation range, consolidate networks, improve the security specifications of DoD software, andRead… Read more »

Several Perspectives on Facebook’s Strategy

Facebook’s recent disappointing IPO has triggered a torrent of quasi-biblical prophets of doom. Michael Wolff has scribbled the most apocalyptic message on Belshazzar’s Facebook wall. Mene, Mene, Tekel u-Pharsin, Zuckerberg? The daily and stubborn reality for everybody building businesses on the strength of Web advertising is that the value of digital ads decreases every quarter,Read… Read more »

GovLoop Online Chat: How To Leverage Big Data to Improve Services

GovLoop, the social knowledge network for public sector professionals, is one of the most virtuous members of the Gov2.0 ecosystem. Their support of the community demonstrates, on a daily basis, their dedication to a simple mission: They want to connect government to improve government. If you share the GovLoop goals and can contribute to thisRead… Read more »

Flame Cyber Espionage, U.S. Military Chip Backdoor, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: Kapersky Labs has uncovered a massive cyber espionage campaign using malware called Flame to collect private data in countries including Iran, Israel, Sudan, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt. More here. Researchers in the UK found a backdoor planted in an American military-grade chip that allowsRead… Read more »

Innovation and Robotics: The Uncanny Valley of Death

The Jetsons premiered almost 50 years ago, but where’s Rosey? Science fiction has been predicting the rise of robotics in daily life for decades and, for the most part, science fact has delivered, with ever-improving artificial intelligence driven by faster processors, and continued advancements in mechanical engineering allow machines to perform increasingly complex physical functions.Read… Read more »

Qualifying a “Cyber Arms Race”

Several recent pieces have looked at the prospects for a “cyberwarfare arms race” and a “cyber warfare gap” concerning the US, China, Russia, and other nations with an interest in offensive cyber capabilities and doctrines. Beyond the endemic refusal to distinguish between computer network attacks and computer network exploitation, there is a larger problem loomingRead… Read more »