Posts By Bob Gourley

Everything is Amazing and Nobody is Happy

The video below of Louis C.K. on Conan is hilarious. Great tech humor! But it has a couple serious points related to enterprise IT and user expectations. Please watch it and laugh and let me know if you see what I mean. Do you think he could be talking about the users in your enterprise?Read… Read more »

Phantom Cyber Wars are a Distraction

Editor’s note: This post by Sean Lawson provides context on cyber conflict, an area of interest at the nexus of national security and technology. – bg British sociologist Frank Furedi notes that an increasingly prominent feature of postmodern society is a “crisis of causality” that is “a cultural mood that assumes the uncertainty of causalityRead… Read more »

Radar Analytics, Emergency Medicine Training Games, and More

Today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news round-up: The Navy is looking for a real-time analytical tool to detect threats and enemy tactics from radar data. More here. The Army posted a request for information for gloves that would enable soldiers to use mobile device touchscreens while being tough enough to withstand combat. More here.Read… Read more »

CTO Security Weekly

CISPA, Hotmail Exploits, Iranian Oil Issues, and more this week This week the information security industry was full of some highs and lows, with everything from the closure of over 30 credit-card trading websites as well as news that Iranian oil refineries have been closed due to malicious software. Hotmail was affected by a passwordRead… Read more »

CISPA Passes in the House, 3D Modelling of DoD Networks, and More

Today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news round-up: As predicted, the House of Representatives passed the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) last night. More here. The Nuclear Risk Reduction Center, established as a secure communications channel between the USSR and United States to prevent a misunderstanding from launching a nuclear war, will beRead… Read more »

Google is now selling the Galaxy Nexus unlocked

The Galaxy Nexus is still the cream of the Android crop In an unexpected turn, Google quietly unveiled their “devices” section of their website. They are offering the Galaxy Nexus (GSM) completely unlocked for $399. While the Galaxy Nexus might not be the most powerful Android phone right now, it is a Google Experience device,Read… Read more »