Posts By Bob Gourley

MapStory: Something really cool

Chris Tucker is an innovator, and entrepreneur, and a community-focused visionary renowned for his leadership abilities. He has been working hard on a new project which is beginning to excite me for its potential. His new activity is called MapStory. It is a capability that enables the creation of collaborative stories over maps. Users canRead… Read more »

IT Acquisition, Staffing Cuts, and More

Here are today’s federal IT and cybersecurity stories and links: Tami Johnson, program manager for Army’s Rapid Equipping Force, explains that a fast acquisition of information technology will not always work. More here. The State and Defense Department are engaging in joint cyber war games with their Chinese counterparts. More here. The Obama administration expressedRead… Read more »

WayIn for Human Resources

Way-In enables real-time crowd sourcing of opinion (in a fun way) If you have not yet checked out WayIn, you might want to head over there right now. WayIn allows you to post quick polls and quickly crowd source opinion. While it is still a small service, they have big goals (and the back-end toRead… Read more »

Air Force Mobile, CISPA Protests, and More

Here is today’s federal IT and cybersecurity news: With a second attempt at procuring 2,725 iPads, the Air Force continues to move towards mobile and thin clients. More here. Howard Shmidt said that industry would not be heavily burdened by a bill to phase in security standards for privately held critical infrastructure, and that theRead… Read more »

Data Transparency Coalition launches with fourteen members and one mission

[Editor’s note: This update is cross-posted on the Data Transparency Coalition’s blog.] Yesterday, thirteen tech companies and one nonprofit organization launched the Data Transparency Coalition.Our ambition is to be the main private-sector voice for federal data reform. We want the government to publish its information online and use consistent data identifiers and markup languages toRead… Read more »

Bug Bounty Programs : Encourage Responsible Disclosure

Bug Bounty Programs Encourage Responsible Disclosure From Hackers The idea that you might pay someone else to keep quiet a vulnerability while you fix it may seem a bit backward to some in computer security. It would also seem to invite attacks on infrastructure. It’s no surprise, then, that many companies with technological products don’tRead… Read more »

Get your schema off my technology!!!

“But, but, but…it’s too big!!!” Insert obligatory “that’s what she said” joke here. In the past few weeks, bloggers from BetaNews, Gizmodo and TechCrunch have ripped apart the Galaxy Note (and devices like it). You can find their posts here (1, 2, and 3). They have gotten slammed in the comment sections, but I amRead… Read more »

The Forecasting World Events Project sponsored by Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA)

The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) is a US government agency, part of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. IARPA invests in high-risk/high-payoff research programs that have the potential to provide our nation with an overwhelming intelligence advantage over future adversaries. Although IARPA is involved in many activities of interest, one IRead… Read more »

Cross Agency Kapow

More complete, effective, and efficient information and IT sharing across the Department of Defense Intelligence Information System (DoDIIS) is a leading goal for the Directorate for Information Management and Chief Information Office (DS), which recently released its strategic vision for the next 5 years. The first goal laid out in the plan is to “facilitateRead… Read more »

Announcing Splunk Live DC: 15 May 2012

Splunk Live DC will be held Tuesday 15 May 2012 at the Ronald Reagan center in downtown DC. The agenda includes some great updates on Splunk’s powerful capabilities– Splunk is the engine for machine data and this is a great way to learn more about what it can do. The agenda also includes some fantasticRead… Read more »