Posts By Bob Gourley

This Week In Computer Security

Botnet takedowns make front page in this week’s security news in review This week saw a lot of activity on botnet control and disruption as several corporations struggled to disrupt or destroy major botnets and their command-and-control facilities. Botnets are responsible for some of the more incipient and insidious issues that the internet struggles with,Read… Read more »

The Case for Cloud UI Standards.

Editor’s note: This post by Derek Singleton of the Software Advice website reviews more extensive work at: It’s Time for Cloud UI Standards. These days, the number of Cloud applications on the market is rapidly expanding as businesses warm up to the Cloud delivery model. While the proliferation of Cloud options on the market isRead… Read more »

A Look at Today’s White House Big Data Event

Today, the White House demonstrated their support for Big Data in a huge way. Federal agencies have committed over $200M to big data initiatives in the future. Between the National Science Foundation, National Institute of Health, Department of Defense, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Department of Energy, and United States Geological Survey there are multipleRead… Read more »

The Fourth Dimension of Big Data

Big Data is often described by the three drivers (dimensions) of: volume, velocity and variety. But Stefan Andreasen, Founder and CTO of Kapow has alerted us to the fourth – spread. Volume describes the overall AMOUNT of Big Data. It almost goes without saying, that for data to be big, there must be a lotRead… Read more »

The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and the National Science Foundation Present: Challenges and Opportunities in Big Data

On Thursday 29 March 2012 from 2:00pm to 3:30pm EDT the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) will hold an event focused on “Big Data” Research and Development. Federal government science heads from OSTP, NSF, NIH, DoE, DoD, DARPA and USGS will outline how their agenciesRead… Read more »

Breaking News: Microsoft Partners With World Class Best Cyber Firm Kyrus Tech Inc and Helps Defeat Some Very Bad Criminals

We have previously written about Kyrus Tech Inc and have highlighted their unique capability called Carbon Black. We have worked with the team of experts there in the past and I am very proud to have been professionally associated with Michael Tanji since we were both in government in the mid 1990′s. We have alsoRead… Read more » Publishes White Paper On Evaluating Big Data Analytical Capabilities for Government Use, a subsidiary of the technology research, consulting and services firm Crucial Point LLC and a peer site of, has just published a white paper providing ten evaluation criteria which can be used by government decision-makers seeking Big Data analytical capabilities. This paper, titled “Evaluating Big Data Analytical Capabilities for Government Use,” provides contextRead… Read more »