Posts By Bob Gourley

United States Congress Permanent Joint Committee on Information Technology

The United States Congress Permanent Joint Committee on Information Technology does not exist, yet. But a growing group of national security and technology thinkers are considering the pros and cons of a Joint Committee like this and with this post I would like to encourage you to think through the concept yourself. First, some backgroundRead… Read more »

What the LulzSec Bust Says About Cyber Criminal Investigations

In a recent high-profile bust, the FBI arrested five alleged leaders of the collective Anonymous and related hacking group LulzSec. Understandably, the majority of law enforcement, white hats, and journalists rejoiced at the FBI’s newfound cyber prowess. After months of embarrassment through denial of service attacks, major data leaks, and website defacements, it looked asRead… Read more »

Avoiding Cyber Threat Amnesia

My involvement in the non-profit educational and research organization Cyber Conflict Studies Association over the last several years has led me to an observation about federal policy makers and cyber security. This observation probably applies to many commercial organizations and to academia (and possibly even to you) so we may be talking about human natureRead… Read more »

Let’s Praise AT&T, CenturyLink, Comcast, Cox, Sprint, TWC, T-Mobile and Verizon for this

For all our complaints about our ISPs and their service we should all reflect on some of the great things these firms do. Individually they seek to innovate and win our business and loyalty. And collectively they can come together to do great things too. One great, positive thing just happened because of collegial actionRead… Read more »

DATA Act featured on Majority Leader’s new Citizen Cosponsor platform

[Editor’s note: This post by Hudson Hollister hits on a topic at the intersection of technology, policy and collegial social action, all topics most of our readers seem to care deeply about – bg] The DATA Act – bipartisan, bicameral legislation introduced last year by Rep. Darrell Issa and Sen. Mark Warner – is aimedRead… Read more »

The Emerging Role of the Chief Data Officer and Data Scientist

One of the most innovative topics at Carahsoft’s Government Big Data Forum was the panel on “The Emerging Role of the Chief Data Officer and Data Scientist.” As Information Technology continues to grow both more complex and more crucial to the success of any enterprise, roles like the Chief Technology Officer or Chief Information OfficerRead… Read more »

An Introduction to Kapow Software

Kapow software provides application integration capabilities that provide rapid enhancements in IT support to organizational missions. Their Kapow Katalyst Application Integration Platform is designed to enable the fast delivery of capabilities, and it does so via an easy to understand and use interface. Kapow eliminates the need for APIs to access application data. This isRead… Read more »

This Week In Computer Security

This week in computer security wasn’t as rough as in weeks past, with few major breaches or attacks of note. The real news this week comes in the form of leaked documents, exploits, and emails and an interesting operating system supposedly from the Anonymous collective. Anonymous OS: Anonymous supposedly released an eponymous operating system containingRead… Read more »

Please Help A Federal Agency In A Technology Search

I’ve been asked, along with several other volunteer researchers, to brainstorm to produce a list of new technologies to bring to the attention of several federal CTOs. This is part of a not-for-profit activity designed to help keep a slice of the federal community informed. I would appreciate it if I could enlist your helpRead… Read more »