Posts By Bob Gourley

INSA Study on Cloud Computing in the Intelligence Community: Rollout 13 March 2012

Over the last year I’ve had the pleasure of serving with a team of volunteers from the Intelligence and National Security Alliance (INSA) as we dove deep into topics associated with Cloud Computing and the Intelligence Community. National security technologists have long been thought leaders when it comes to adopting advanced technology to serve importantRead… Read more »

Kevin Jackson: Great leader/technologist/mentor, rises at NJVC

I read with pleasure the press release below since it highlights a friend and professional associate I have long admired for both Cloud Computing and national security technology expertise, Kevin Jackson. Congrats Kevin on this new promotion. I know this likely means more work for you, but it must also be a great chance toRead… Read more »

A look at the “New iPad”

“Resolutionary?” C’mon MAN! Let’s get started, I’m not in love w/ the new naming system for the iPad. “New” should never be in any products name, let alone a real piece of technology (will the next one be New New? or New and Improved iPad?). Ridiculous. That said, Apple has certainly upped their internal standardsRead… Read more »

Apps for Security: A terrific event and growing community supported by SAIC and SINET

I just received word of an exciting new community activity that is being supported by SAIC and SINET. The activity, under the banner “Apps for Security,” is a way of leveraging the power of human creativity and computer science plus a big dose of real data to seek solutions to key security challenges. SINET, asRead… Read more »

Cloudera Day in DC: Cloudera Manager and Enterprise

Another valuable pannel at the DC Cloudera Day was Todd Lipcon’s look into Hadoop management software Cloudera Manager available through Cloudera Enterprise. Cloudera is in the business of making Hadoop, the open source Big Data storage and analysis platform, easier for enterprises to adopt and, though the first step is their Cloudera Distribution Including ApacheRead… Read more »

Common Criteria: What Some Vendors Don’t Tell You

via …and some New Developments. A Little Background Since the European ITSEC and US TCSEC product security evaluation mechanisms were merged into the Common Criteria in around 1998, lots of vendors’ product literature has sported EAL numbers regarding how well-tested their products are. What isn’t typically seen in such documents, though, is detail ofRead… Read more » Beta Announced: Seeking early adopters who use Twitter to gain insights is a web application designed to help Twitter users find the right people to follow and learn more from the ever expanding dialog underway there. It provides features like twitter lists, directories and content summation as well as easy ways to curate and offer recommendations to others in the community. We will be enteringRead… Read more »

This Week in Computer Security

Anonymous Arrests, NASA hacks, and more this week Linode Hacked, Bitcoins Stolen:, popular provider of virtual private servers (VPS) systems responded to a morning breach of it’s control panel software, which apparently enabled a malicious attacker to gain control over several virtual servers of a bitcoin service named Bitcoinica. The Register has a conflictingRead… Read more »

Location Data and Mobile Device Threats

Threatpost reports that cell users just got that more vulnerable to attackers: [T]here is enough information leaked from the lower layers of the GSM [Global System for Mobile Communications] communication stack to permit attackers to perform what they call “location tests” on targeted devices. “Cell phone towers have to track cell phone subscribers to provideRead… Read more »