Posts By Bob Gourley

LightSquared vs FCC: What is the right position?

An issue I’d recommend all free thinking technologists dive into is the current technological trades facing the nation over LightSquared. They are a company building a wireless network based on Long Term Evolution (LTE) technologies combined with commercial satellite coverage in a way that will cover the entire united states in broadband. The goal: unleashRead… Read more »

Hadoop and Business Intelligence

Like my colleague Alex Olesker, I too attended Cloudera Day 2012. While there were many panels of interest, perhaps one of the most important was Amr Awadallah‘s talk about big data applications to business intelligence. Many CTOVision readers with backgrounds in the intelligence community may think of corporate espionage when the phrase “business intelligence” isRead… Read more »

APT: Useful or Buzzword?

Advanced Persistent Threats have been around for some years, and they are not going away The term Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) is often regarded somewhat suspiciously by security professionals, seeing as it how it can be a buzzword that obscures actual analysis of the dynamics of cyber attacks or a diplomatic fiction because it’s notRead… Read more »

Please visit the AIIM Conference (and see @BobGourley speak!)

The AIIM conference is a great learning opportunity for all IT professionals Every year, the AIIM Conference meets to provide excellent keynotes and other speakers. This year our editor, Bob Gourley will be speaking on Big Data. The conference is March 20-22 at the Grand Hyatt in San Francisco. The topic for this year isRead… Read more »

Passwords Suck

Passwords alone aren’t enough any more… Passwords suck. They are long, hard to remember (even if you have easier-to-remember phrases), moreso when new, and are largely a difficulty for users to user properly. Combined with the fact that many users choose easy-to-guess or easy-to-ascertain passwords based off of commonly-known facts about themselves and that theyRead… Read more »

Technology Titans Refresh: Feb 2012

In the past, Bob had been vigorously keeping up with the Titans of the Tech industry. His posts are here and here. These posts should give a picture of how the technology world is moving (and over time, identify trends). We have used market capitalization as our key indicator, but that’s just for ranking purposes.Read… Read more »

International Galaxy Note Review

The Galaxy Note truly is different from any phone you’ve ever seen. Samsung released their 5.3 inch behemoth to some amount of fanfare last year. The huge screen, inclusion of a stylus and relative scarcity created a decent amount of news – but then nothing. I recently picked up a Galaxy Note International Edition andRead… Read more »

NSF releases Cloud Computing Report

NSF’s guidance on Cloud Computing will inform research dollars in the near future The National Science Foundation released their report on cloud computing. It can be found here. The intent of this report is to provide information that guides funding programs. The NSF used NIST’s guidance on cloud computing to inform their research and decisionRead… Read more »