Posts By Bob Gourley

More DC Area Big Data User Groups

Last week we made mention of the Washington DC Area Hadoop Users Group (HUG). This is a great group of community minded people who meet to exchange lessons learned and dialog on interested technologies. There are others groups in the DC area that work similar topics and we learned more about them in replies toRead… Read more »

From the Apache Software Foundation Blog: The Apache Software Foundation Announces Apache Hadoop™ v1.0

The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) is an all-volunteer group of developers, stewards and incubators of technology. They bring us many of the technologies powering our enterprises and consumer solutions and are continuing to innovate in ways that are absolutely amazing and enjoyable to try to track. One of the greatest projects at the ASF isRead… Read more »

Enterprise Security: STRATFOR and Activist Hackers

While popular attention in cyber issues often focuses on the exotic APTs, enterprise security is being rocked by an unpleasant truth. Activist hackers have become a major problem, and not just for obvious targets such as the Church of Scientology or the United States government. Political risk company STRATFOR was recently hacked by elements ofRead… Read more »

CTOvision Newsletters and Tech Reports

Our premier publication is our monthly technology review. Every month we send this to over 6000 technology thought leaders. This monthly summarizes reporting from the blog as well as tech trends from the IT industry. The monthly also provide links to our technology assessments. Other products include our Daily summary, the Daily Fedcyber.comRead… Read more »

NMCI and VMware Infrastructure

VMware helps the NMCI run smoothly The Navy Marine Corps Intranet is the largest individual network in the world. The only larger network is the Internet. This huge network sprawl requires a great deal of strategy, concern and planning. Over 700,000 users rely on the intranet to receive IT services. This is a huge network,Read… Read more »

A look at the Google Ecosystem

Please +1 this article…I’ll be your very best Google+ friend!!! Recently, Dillon Behr (@dbehr24) wrote a great piece about how the consumer technology ecosystem has almost completely fractured – breaking into walled gardens. Those of Amazon, Apple, Google, Microsoft and the rest are all creating ecosystems with low barriers to entry, but even higher barriersRead… Read more »

When Chuck Norris Gets Cloud-Mobile

At first glance, cloud computing may seem to be distinct from the austere world of special operations forces (SOF). But Special Operations Technology‘s Eric Marks has a very interesting piece on how SOF can use the cloud to gain the tactical advantage. Some highlights: Cloud to the edge tactical mobile computing, which would feature theRead… Read more »

Adam’s 2012 Tech Predictions

Prediction is a messy game. Especially in a field that is often characterized by a state of punctuated equilibrium—long periods of stasis and then rapid disruptions. However, I will toss my hat into the ring. The geopolitics of cybersecurity will take center stage. Certain visitors from the Land of the Pandas have been stealing aRead… Read more »

Washington DC Area Hadoop Users Group (HUG)

If you are working on Big Data projects in or around the federal space a resource you will want to engage with (if you have not already) is the Washington DC Area Hadoop Users Group (Hadoop-DC). This is a group of user-practitioners and enthusiasts who meet to exchange lessons learned, discuss emerging technologies and networkRead… Read more »