Posts By Bob Gourley

One Trillion Reasons: One Year Later

In October 2010 one of America’s great outlets of technology leadership thought published an important paper meant to inform government action towards reducing costs. The organization is the Technology CEO Council, which strives to be the information technology industry’s number one public policy advocacy organization. It is comprised of Chief Executive Officers from America’s leadingRead… Read more »

Myths and realities of cloud security

Whenever the topic of cloud computing comes up, cloud security isn’t far behind. Survey after survey has shown it to be a top CIO concern, but how much of that concern is legitimate? CTOvision’s Bob Gourley and Tom Reilly, Vice President and General Manger of Enterprise Security at HP separated myth from reality on cloudRead… Read more »

Signing up for our Newsletters and Tech Reports

Our premier publication is our monthly technology review. Every month we send this to over 6000 technology thought leaders. This monthly summarizes reporting from the blog as well as tech trends from the IT industry. The monthly also provide links to our technology assessments. Other products include our Daily summary, the Daily Fedcyber.comRead… Read more »

I’ve Got the OODA Blues

To paraphrase Rodney Dangerfield, military theorist John Boyd can’t get no respect. The latest attack on the Loopy One, published in Armed Forces Journal, again mischaracterizes the OODA (Observe-Orient-Decide Act) Loop: This notion that there are specific knowable causes that are linked to corresponding effects dominates military thinking and manifests in our drive to gatherRead… Read more »

Top 10 Intuitive Updates for iOS5

Photo credits If the iPhone 4S is your first iPhone, you have probably already realized how awesome it is and wondered to your self, “Why did I wait so long?” If you upgraded to the new iPhone from a previous model you are enjoying the added feature of Siri, the faster processor, and theRead… Read more »

New Enterprise CIO Forum Blog Talk Radio

In this week’s Blog Talk Radio, Bob Gourley and John Dodge talk about the new avenues of attack in the cyber world. In addition, they hit on the #cloudsecurity tweets of the week on Twitter. Highlights of the re-tweets are an interview with CIA CTO Gus Hunt and some thoughts on moving from a privateRead… Read more »

Cloudera and SGI Partner: With new benchmarks and better mission support the result

During the recent GEOINT conference I spoke with SGI and Cloudera about the meaning of their recent announcement. They just announced a strategic agreement where SGI will ship Cloudera’s Distribution Including Apache Hadoop (CDH) and Cloudera Enterprise Management Suite factory installed on SGI Hadoop Clusters. Although this is good news for both companies there isRead… Read more »

Survey says: Security risks never higher, or more costly In an interview at the HP Protect 2011 conference on Monday, September 12, 2011. Bob Gourley and Tom Reilly, Vice President and General Manger of Enterprise Security at HP, discussed two studies on cyber crime from the Ponemon Institute and Coleman Parks. The median cost to an organization due to cyber attack was $5.9Read… Read more »

Updates on Dronegate

Since I wrote my fist post on the virus affecting the drone fleet at Creech Air Force base, information has begun to trickle in and some interesting commentary has emerged. The Air Force has followed their official press release stating that the virus, which they say was a credential stealer, was merely a nuisance withRead… Read more »