Posts By Craig Thomler

Complete the 2013 Community Management survey for Australia and New Zealand

Quiip and Delib Australia have launched the second annual online community management survey for Australia and New Zealand. The survey aims to help local organisations and individuals better understand the skills required to work in these professions, help uncover role challenges, training and support needs and the actual work and salaries that online community managementRead… Read more »

Social media impacts on ICT teams – presentation from the Technology in Government conference

Over the last two days I’ve been down at the Technology in Government conference – an event I thought went very well, with a great group of speakers (including the UK Government’s CIO Liam Maxwell). I gave a presentation this morning, and chaired the afternoon, for the Connected Government stream and have uploaded my presentationRead… Read more »

Fantastic article: The more things change: Technology, government and the public sector

Martin Stewart-Weeks, Senior Director, Public Sector, Cisco Consulting Services, has written a fantastic article on the potential for technology to disrupt and create new possibilities for governments and the public sector. The article discusses how technology is changing the shape and speed of government, as well as many jobs in the public sector, and looksRead… Read more »

IAB Australia releases free guide to Best Practice in Content Moderation for social media

The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) Australia has released a free guide to Best Practice in Content Moderation for social media channels, drawing on the experience of organisations like Quiip and Dialogue Consulting. The guide, while targeted at the private sector, is quite applicable to the public sector. It references many of the same steps IRead… Read more »

Contribute to The Guide for Opening Government

In an example of openness in action, the Transparency and Accountability Initiative (T/AI) is redeveloping The Guide to Opening Government using a collaborative approach. First developed by the T/AI in 2011 with leading experts, The Guide brought together key practical steps governments can take to achieve openness, supporting civil society organisations and governments to developRead… Read more »

How should governments educate agencies about open data?

Australia now has eight whole-of-jurisdiction open data catalogues at state and federal level, alongside agency-based repositories such as at the ABS and Geosciences Australia. There’s now a recommendation, if not a clear mandate, that agencies release data in some kind of open form – although machine-readable data remains limited and some agencies have attempted toRead… Read more »

Will the Australian Government take an open government approach to developing its Open Government National Action Plan?

Now that Australia has finally sent a letter of intent to join the Open Government Partnership, I’ve been reading examples of how other jurisdictions went about developing their National Action Plans (a requirement of OGP membership) to foster and support government openness. It is clear that one of the key attributes of the most meaningfulRead… Read more »

Freedom of information advocacy: a global snapshot, from Open & Shut

I’ve had no time to blog this week due to family commitments, however thought it worth drawing attention to Peter Timmins’ fascinating post on freedom of information, over at his Open & Shut blog. Titled Freedom of information advocacy: a global snapshot, the post provides information on the recent report from the Freedom of InformationRead… Read more »

My presentation to the UK Government Digital Service

I’m going to do a full post on my visit to the UK Government Digital Service (the GDS), but thought I’d lead with the presentation I gave to them regarding the state of Government 2.0 and open government in Australia, and how we’ve reached the point we’re at. Note this is purely my view ofRead… Read more »