Posts By Craig Thomler

How to shut down or redirect an official Ministerial or agency social media account

With the change in Australia’s Prime Minister last week, the resignation of a large handful of Ministers, and the announcement of new Ministers this week, we’ve seen some interesting approaches to shutting down Ministerial Twitter accounts. Senator Jacinta Collins closed her Ministerial account with two very-matter-of-fact tweets, redirecting people to the new Ministers: This accountRead… Read more »

Is there a place for Agile in policy development?

The Agile software development methodology has changed the way many software companies operate. The approach replaced production-line sequential and hierarchical ‘waterfall’ methods of developing code and services (based on the automobile production line), with iterative and responsive processes involving self-organising teams, continuous engagement and the division of bigger goals into short-term objectives – systems moreRead… Read more »

Is there a place for Agile in policy development?

The Agile software development methodology has changed the way many software companies operate. The approach replaced production-line sequential and hierarchical ‘waterfall’ methods of developing code and services (based on the automobile production line), with iterative and responsive processes involving self-organising teams, continuous engagement and the division of bigger goals into short-term objectives – systems moreRead… Read more »

Media & PR practitioners no longer control the oxygen valve

A classic ploy by media and PR professionals to kill an unwanted issue has been to ‘deny it oxygen’ – refusing to comment or engage on the topic publicly, via news media or other channels. The approach has traditionally worked very effectively for both public sector and commercial communicators. Devoid of any official information, orRead… Read more »

Register now for the Canberra Gov 2.0 lunchtime event – 18 June 2013

This month the Gov 2.0 event in Canberra has been organised at the last minute to take advantage of a rare visit to Canberra by Facebook’s Manager of Public Policy, Katie Harbath. All the details are on the Eventbrite page at: You can also find out more about Katie from her Facebook page:… Read more »

Sentiment analysis: where ‘disabled’ and ‘disability’ are often considered negative terms

It’s come to my attention that a number of automated sentiment analysis tools include ‘disabled’ and ‘disability’ as negative terms. This means that when calculating whether a particular statement in social media is positive or negative, the use of these words is used by these sentiment analysis tools as an indication that the statement isRead… Read more »

Government 2.0 is dead, long live Government

Yesterday I gave a presentation to the Victorian Government’s Communicators’ Group, discussing how effective government had been at meeting the challenge of rapid change throughout the last thirty years. As part of my presentation I revisited the area of government 2.0 – giving my view that there’s no longer such a thing – it’s nowRead… Read more »