Posts By Craig Thomler

The power of open data is often in serendipity

I often hear talk from government agencies about their wish to release more of their data openly, but their concern over how they allocate resources to ensure the most useful data is released first. In several conversations I’ve had in different parts of Australia, the agency view was that they only wanted to release usefulRead… Read more »

South Australia consulting on ICT policy

The South Australian government has released its draft ICT policy, SA Connected, for public consultation via the SA Plan consultation site. The five key perspectives in the SA draft ICT policy The position paper, which has already undergone industry consultation, presents five key perspectives for the future of South Australian government IT, Serving People InnovatingRead… Read more »

Addressing the ‘squeaky wheels’

A report from the South Australian Emerging Leaders Program (ELP) has been brought to my attention as providing brief but useful information about how to address ‘squeaky wheels’ who may contact councils and agencies via various channels, including via social media. The report, which uses the IAP2 model for engagement, is available at the followingRead… Read more »

Rather than ‘why’ ask ‘why not’

The US government uses to involve citizens in designing innovative solutions to government and civil challenges. The UK government has adopted a digital-by-default approach and has mandated that agencies follow this, providing detailed guidance on what they must do and by when (even open sourcing service design guidance on GithHub for citizens to improve).Read… Read more »

How government in Australia is (and can) use social media

This is a presentation I gave on Monday to NSW Health, including a review of Australian social media adoption, how agencies have been using social media, risks to watch out for and some examples of good public sector social media execution. I’m happy to come chat to any government agency or council on these topicsRead… Read more »

Australian CTO presentation on social media: SOCIAL(MEDIA)ISM at the International Public Sector Convention

John Sheridan has been an active senior public sector advocate for the use of digital technologies in government for some years now. He’s stepped this up a notch with his recent appointment as Australian Government’s Chief Technology Officer and I thought it was valuable to share one of his most recent presentations on social media,Read… Read more »

Australian Online Community Management Report launched

Quiip and Delib Australia have just released the Australian Online Community Management Report, the first research that has ever been conducted specifically on the emerging profession of online community managers in Australia. The report has been designed to: assist people professionally managing online communities to articulate their skills, challenges and support requirements, support organisations enteringRead… Read more »