Posts By Craig Thomler

Using social media in emergency and disaster management

I’m currently in Singapore, having just finished running a two-day masterclass for Singaporean public servants on how to use social media in emergency management. It is a very interesting topic and one I don’t think is high enough on the radar in Australia or many other countries, although there’s now plenty of case studies onRead… Read more »

Special Canberra Gov 2.0 lunchtime event with Twitter next Tuesday

Several of Twitter’s US staff are in Australia next week and Pia has managed to lasso them into providing a special presentation to Canberra’s Gov 2.0 community. If you’re in Canberra on Tuesday 12 March, I strongly recommend that you head along to this special Gov 2.0 lunchtime event – just make sure you RSVPRead… Read more »

Pre-pubescent hackers – what are governments doing to protect their systems?

Hacking is child’s play – or so it seems as young people, some aged only 11, are beginning to use various tools and instructions online to hack into online games (as reported by Mashable). The rise of state-based hacking (whether for political or commercial reasons) has profoundly changed challenges facing government agencies, both in termsRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Canberra lunch event videos from February

Gavin Tapp has done his magic and so, with the assistance of the ACT Government, I’m happy to present both videos from the Gov 2.0 event I ran in Canberra on the 14th. I’ve embedded both videos in order below with the bios of the speakers. Darren Cutrupi Darren Cutrupi has been the Manager, MediaRead… Read more »

Where are Australia’s tweeting councils and do they have enough followers

I’ve mapped the 222 local government Twitter accounts I track to their geographic locations around Australia (excluding NT), and it forms an interesting picture. Local government use of Twitter in Australia by tweets (excluding NT) – zoom for detail There was a direct correlation between population density and the propensity of councils to tweet. ThisRead… Read more »

Does Tourism Australia have the world’s biggest social media team?

Tourism Australia has released a fascinating study of their success in using social media to raise awareness of Australia as a travel destination, including a guide to how other organisations can use similar approaches to build engagement online, espousing principles such as: Create platforms that your fans can build on Make your advocates the heroesRead… Read more »

Infographic: The Australian Government’s commitment to open data

Last Friday the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner released a major report on the release of public sector information by Australian Government agencies. The report, Open public sector information: from principles to practice, is available online and is a relative straightforward read. The OAIC also released the aggregated data for the report into… Read more »

View the UK open policy presentation from Gov 2.0 Canberra lunchtime event in February 2013

Gavin Tapp has been doing his magic so, with the support of the ACT Government, Ben Fowkes’ presentation on open policy in the UK from February’s Canberra Gov 2.0 event is now available for your viewing pleasure. eGov AU Craig Thomler’s personal Gov 2.0 and eGovernment thoughts and speculations from an Australian perspective Original post