Posts By Craig Thomler

Register now for the first free Gov 2.0 lunchtime event in Canberra for 2013

Canberra’s free Gov 2.0 lunchtime events continue for the fourth year in 2013, with the first monthly event featuring two great presentations: “R.I.P. to the media release, hello crowd sources” on the use of social media in real-time emergency communications by Darren Cutrupi of the ACT Emergency Services Agency, and “The British Invasion – howRead… Read more »

Infographics: How does Australia compare on government open data released?

I’ve developed several infographics (below) comparing the open data performance of nations, looking at which have national open data sites, how many sites they have across different government levels and how many datasets have been released through their national sites. It’s not a way to judge ‘winners’ and ‘losers’ – or even to compare theRead… Read more »

Considering copyright in a digital world – the 2013 Australian Digital Alliance Copyright Forum

Copyright is one of the battlefields of the digital age, with the ability to rapidly copy and distribute works via digital channels challenging 20th century industries that have relied on traditional copyright laws to profit and thrive. It is also a key area for governments, who vary in their approach to copyright around the world.Read… Read more »

Transcribe Australia’s archival records – earn points towards publications and posters

Late last year the National Archives of Australia launched a global first for national archives, allowing the public to collaborate in the digital transcription of Australian archival records. The system, at, basically allowed the public to register for an account, pick from hundreds of digitally scanned public records and correct any errors in theRead… Read more »

When (if ever) is it appropriate for a government agency or politician to delete a tweet or post?

While a sideshow to the fire disaster sweeping Australia, there’s been reports in traditional media and conversations online over the last day regarding the decision by the Australian Government Housing Minister, Brendan O’Connor, to apologise for and delete a tweet that claimed that a tweet from Australia’s Opposition Leader, Tony Abbott, was a political stuntRead… Read more »

Victorian government releases its Digital Innovation Review

Late last year I completed a piece of work with the Victorian government reviewing and benchmarking their digital innovation performance by agency, compared to other governments in Australia and around the world. For the purposes of the report, digital innovation was defined as: Involves the use of digital channels, tools and relevant methodologies to improveRead… Read more »

Looking back, looking forward – where now for the eGovAU blog

Stepping into the fifth year I’ve operated the eGovAU blog, I wanted to take a look back into its history, and a look forward to what readers can expect in the next year. I started eGovAU in 2008 to help access and share information and experience across the online communications space within government, as IRead… Read more »

How good have government agencies in Australia become at social record keeping?

An interesting study has come across my desk from Rebecca Stoks, who is working on a Master of Information Management at Victoria University in New Zealand. She sought in the report to answer the following question: Recordkeeping is essential to the democratic process, but how can governments maintain public records when they are being createdRead… Read more »

How good have government agencies in Australia become at social record keeping?

An interesting study has come across my desk from Rebecca Stoks, who is working on a Master of Information Management at Victoria University in New Zealand. She sought in the report to answer the following question: Recordkeeping is essential to the democratic process, but how can governments maintain public records when they are being createdRead… Read more »