Posts By Craig Thomler

Enterprise social networking – the latest infographic

I thought this infographic from the US on enterprise social networking from Tibbr, released in July 2012, was worth sharing. Particularly notable was how high an adopter of these types of tools was government (‘Public Administration’) at 74%, which closely reflects the share of Australian Government agencies I’ve tracked as now using social media officiallyRead… Read more »

Integrating LinkedIn into your agency’s social media activity

Facebook, Twitter and YouTube have become the staple platforms for commercial and public sector social media engagement in Australia – driven by the level of activity on those sites by Australians. However LinkedIn, while used personally by many in business and government roles (around 16% of online Australians – over three million people), has laggedRead… Read more »

Why do agencies struggle with FOI and open data so much?

The linked email conversation (in a blog post), Freedom of Information Request for Classification Data, provides an interesting insight into the struggles government agencies are having with FOI and open data and with the difficulties applicants are having accessing data which should be available in reusable formats. In this case information which is publicly availableRead… Read more »

Remembering to say thank you to citizens

Every day thousands of citizens donate their time and energy online to help government agencies across Australia. They respond to feedback surveys on websites, provide submissions to consultations, share agency updates on Twitter and Facebook, participate in government-run online groups, provide tips and case studies to help government campaigns help others, create blog posts, websitesRead… Read more »

How should governments treat mobile apps in an age of open data?

EmergencyAUS app I had a very interesting conversation the other day regarding the challenge of government mobile apps in the age of open data. The example used was the EmergencyAUS app, which has been developed by Gridstone Pty Ltd. As an app created by a commercial entity, EmergencyAUS aggregates emergency information released by a varietyRead… Read more »

Free our data – a great presentation from Pia Waugh

Open Data advocate Pia Waugh spoke recently on the topic of freeing government data at Ignite Sydney 9 (an event where speakers get five minutes and 20 slides to say their piece). It provides a strong view as to why governments need to open up data to the community and is definitely worth viewing andRead… Read more »

Avoiding reinventing the wheel – an emerging case study

One of my pet hates is when government agencies re-invent the wheel. It often starts when politicians announces they’re going to do or launch something and agencies are then tasked with making it actually happen. If that agency isn’t already connected into what other agencies are doing, doesn’t conduct some research, or simply doesn’t playRead… Read more »

Scaling Edges – how does it apply to government innovation?

Deloitte recently released a paper entitled ‘Scaling Edges – A pragmatic pathway to board internal change’, which provided strategies on how organisations in the private sector could best achieve innovation at the institutional level. The paper promotes the following approach: Focus on the edges rather than the core functioning of an organisation Identify projects whichRead… Read more »

NSW government consulting on their social media policy for public sector staff

It’s good to see that the NSW Government has taken the step to consult the community and public service regarding the social media policy and guidance it is planning to put in place for agencies. The consultation, visible at (which unfortunately only has comments from me right now) uses a forum-based approach to solicitRead… Read more »

National Audit Office invites the public to contribute to departmental audits

In what I believe is a global first, Australia’s National Audit Office (ANAO) has launched a pilot program inviting members of the public to contribute to selected audits in progress, aimed at promoting closer citizen engagement in the audit process. The system allows the public to provide contributions related to the efficient and effective implementationRead… Read more »