Posts By Craig Thomler

Victorian Government launches consultation on draft ‘digital by design’ ICT strategy

The Victorian Government has announced it is seeking public feedback on a proposed ICT strategy, Digital by design developed by the Victorian Information and Communications Advisory Committee (VICTAC). The draft provides advice on the future management and use of ICT by government and how the Victorian Government can design and use information and technology toRead… Read more »

Opening up government in NSW

While largely unreported, earlier this year the NSW government became the first state jurisdiction in Australia to provide a formal written commitment to open government at a Premier level. In Victoria, which took an early lead as a state, Government 2.0 (which isn’t quite the same as open government) never received a formal commitment fromRead… Read more »

Is Parliament House the peoples’ house? Beth Noveck: Demand a more open-source government

Is Parliament House the peoples’ house or the government’s house? This is one of the fundamental considerations within the open government movement. Does government exist to serve the public? Who participates in developing policy, creating laws and deciding what is best for citizens and communities? Beth Noveck, in her TED Global presentation, Demand a moreRead… Read more »

Presentation from OPC IT’s Web Xchange event

On Tuesday morning I gave a brief talk about building a social media infrastructure at OPC IT’s Web Xchange event. I’ve included my presentation slides below as a reference for those who have asked for a copy. eGov AU Craig Thomler’s personal Gov 2.0 and eGovernment thoughts and speculations from an Australian perspective Original post

Mapping open data site generations

Over the last three years we’ve seen an increasing level of sophistication and capabilities in successive generations of open data sites. To aid governments in their open data journey, I’ve mapped five generations for the progressive development of open data sites, detailed in the document below. Please feel free to reuse the information within theRead… Read more »

Redesigning government: Does the terminology of government hold it back?

I had an interesting discussion last week with a colleague about the terminology of government. We talk about politicians as moving the ‘levers of power’ and departmental restructures as ‘machinery of government’ (MOG) changes (sometimes used as a verb “we got mogged!”) Lack of progress in bureaucracy is called ‘spinning wheels’ (which often appears toRead… Read more »

RightClick 2012 round-up

I attended and keynoted RightClick 2012 yesterday in Perth and wanted to share my notes, which I presented as a round-up at the event, as well as my presentation. It was a good event, with an excellent turn-out of WA public servants. From the feedback I overheard, the attendees were pretty happy with the event.Read… Read more »