Posts By Craig Thomler

Public Sector Design – Design & Thinking Screening

Heard about design and design thinking but not sure what it is or what it has to do with the work of the public service? Interested in design but want to know more? Want to meet others interested in design in the public sector? I’ve just learnt about a great upcoming event that is beingRead… Read more »

Australia’s first 3rd Generation open data site – from the ACT

The ACT government today announced the soft-launch of their new open data site, dataACT, through their equally new Government Information Office blog. In my view this is now the best government open data site in Australia. What makes it the best? Data is available in a range of common reusable formats – from JSON andRead… Read more »

Australia’s first 3rd Generation open data site – from the ACT

The ACT government today announced the soft-launch of their new open data site, dataACT, through their equally new Government Information Office blog. In my view this is now the best government open data site in Australia. What makes it the best? Data is available in a range of common reusable formats – from JSON andRead… Read more »

Register now for the next Canberra Gov 2.0 free lunchtime event – 19 September 2012

It’s time to register for the next (free) Government 2.0 lunchtime event in Canberra – this time featuring Matthew Gordon from and Gina Beschorner from the Department of Human Services. Matthew will be talking aboutOurSay’s approach to public engagement in government and business decision making, drawing upon experiences holding forums with government agencies, politicalRead… Read more »

Empowering science with Web 2.0

Science and the scientific process is core to the delivery of modern government, with its focus on evidence-based policy and sound social research. So it’s about time we had an organisation in Australia focused on exploring how the arrival of Web 2.0 and Gov 2.0 is affecting science – how it is conducted, reported andRead… Read more »

The Rise of the Fifth Estate – a good yarn worth reading

This morning I read Greg Jerico’s book ‘The Rise of the Fifth Estate‘ which chronicles the rise of political blogging and social media reporting in Australia. Some of you may remember Greg better as Grog of Grogs Gamut, a blogger and former public servant, known for his detailed analysis of political and sporting matters. HeRead… Read more »

The Rise of the Fifth Estate – a good yarn worth reading

This morning I read Greg Jerico’s book ‘The Rise of the Fifth Estate‘ which chronicles the rise of political blogging and social media reporting in Australia. Some of you may remember Greg better as Grog of Grogs Gamut, a blogger and then public servant, known for his detailed analysis of political and sporting matters. HeRead… Read more »

How has the world changed for the class of 2012?

When things change over time and we live through the changes, we often don’t notice their scale or impact on our behaviour or thinking. It’s like growing up – you don’t wake up each day thinking ‘wow! I’m a millimetre taller’ – but your uncles and aunts notice the difference as they see you lessRead… Read more »

Reinforcing the thin digital line

One of the benefits of my current role is getting to travel around Australia and meet many of the public servants working in the Government 2.0 and open government areas. There’s some fantastic people doing great work, often hidden in the most unlikely places. It has also made me aware of how few people thereRead… Read more »