Posts By Craig Thomler

Adapting to being adaptable

We’re starting to see government agencies come to terms with modern digital technologies, with more and more people in agency seeking to use them in their activities. Agencies are beginning to operationalise social media and, while still working through the process, open licenses and data as well. Some in digital related-roles in government are startingRead… Read more »

The right way to release a mobile app – Human Services’ new student app

I’m pleased to say that with all the apps now being developed by Australian governments, the Department of Human Services’ new ‘Express Plus Students’ App, has managed to address almost all the criticisms I’ve had previously regarding government mobile apps. What were these criticisms? And which did the Department fail to address? Read on… HaveRead… Read more »

When the dam breaks…

It is amazing to watch how quickly things can change once a key leadership change – of mind or person – occurs in a government department. In the last four weeks Australia has gone from having no digital diplomats, lagging the world, to having four (@AusAmbUSA, @AusHCIndia@AusAmbJP and @DubesAustralia) – hopefully with many more toRead… Read more »

What the Facebook ruling from the Advertising Standards Board (that comments are ads) means for agencies

There’s been a lot of commentary this week in the media around the decision by the Australian Advertising Board (ASB) to rule that the comments of fans published on an brand’s Facebook page are actually advertisements and must comply with industry self-regulation and consumer protection laws. In face the ruling states that Facebook, and otherRead… Read more »

Apps and hacks for social good (info-philanthropy)

It is nice to begin to see volunteering in more than simply physical ways beginning to be valued and rewarded in Australia. Apps Aid (image from the Pro Bono Australia article, ‘App Aid – Developers Unite with Charities For Greater Good‘) I’ve just learnt about App Aid, a 48 hour event being held in AustraliaRead… Read more »

In Perth this September? Come to RightClick!

If you’re based in WA, or in Perth on 5th September this year, consider attending the Western Australia Institute of Public Administration’s fourth annual RightClick conference, focusing on “Technology but not for its own sake”. I’ll be providing a keynote on ‘shiny new things’ and why people are attracted to them and there’s a greatRead… Read more »

Do agencies unfairly assume that households have working printers?

While chatting with government folk in Victoria yesterday, the topic of printable PDFs in websites came up. Many agencies have them – large documents designed to be read on paper, rather than screen, and designed accordingly. It made me ask the question: How many households actually have working printers and are able (and willing) toRead… Read more »

Sharing policies, patterns, recipes & code across government

This morning at the Drupal Downunder event I learnt about the New Zealand Features site which shares recipes for re-usable Drupal code and patterns across NZ government. To me this is representative of one of the significant opportunities I’ve seen for government in Australia emerging out of Gov 2.0 thinking and tools is the abilityRead… Read more »