Posts By Craig Thomler

Ten tips for social media engagement by government (from the UK Cabinet Office)

The UK Cabinet Office recently released Social Media Guidance for civil servants. The guidance goes far beyond the level and sophistication of material I’ve seen from many other jurisdictions, offering support and useful advice, not just rules and warnings. It also provides advice to CTOs and CIOs on how to oversome some of the technicalRead… Read more »

Is the internet a force for good or evil in the eyes of government? And what does that mean for democracy?

We’ve often seen contrary positions taken by western democratic governments on the value of the internet – whether it can be used for good, or is a pit of evil. The US government, for instance, has promoted freedom of speech on the internet internationally, supporting the use of Tor and other tools to allow bloggersRead… Read more »

How Aussies are using social media – latest Sensis report

Thanks to a tip off from John Sheridan at GovCamp yesterday, I’m happy to report that the latest Sensis figures on social media use by Australians are out – and the numbers have continued to increase. Sensis reports that 62% of online Australians are using social media, with 97% using Facebook – roughly the sameRead… Read more »

Livestream of tweets from GovCamp Canberra 2012

I’m not liveblogging today, but am capturing tweets via the liveblog below. To follow GovCamp online visit <p><p><p><p><a href=”″ >GovCamp Canberra 2012</a></p></p></p></p> Photos from GovCamp Information Commissioner John McMillan’s opening address as a cartoon at GovCamp The first two presenters in the Leading Case Studies panel at GovCamp GovCamp’s resident cartoonist hard at workRead… Read more »

Livestream of tweets from GovCamp Canberra 2012

I’m not liveblogging today, but am capturing tweets via the liveblog below. To follow GovCamp online visit <p><a href=”″ >GovCamp Canberra 2012</a></p> eGov AU Craig Thomler’s personal Gov 2.0 and eGovernment thoughts and speculations from an Australian perspective Original post

For all online community managers – register now for Swarm 2012

Last year was the first Swarm in Sydney- part conference and part peer support network for online community managers. The event is returning this year in Melbourne on 13-14 September, bigger and friendlier. The website is now live, with early bird rates to attend. One of the highlights of Swarm this year will be theRead… Read more »

Viewing the GovHacks

Below is a list of GovHacks entries including links to their live or temporary prototype sites. I’ve linked Hack names to their record in the GovHack site. Note that live sites may not remain live for long, so some links may be broken. 100 Years by Code Cadets A day in the Life by TheRead… Read more »

GovHack presentations and judging liveblog

Hi, I’ll be liveblogging the presentations and judging from GovHack in Canberra below as it happens. All the tears and all the cheers as 42 entrants go head for head for around $40,000 in prizes and the street cred of being a GovHack winner. You can view all the entrants on the GovHack website. VoteRead… Read more »

GovHack attracts 42 teams with projects

There’s been a massive response to GovHack, with 42 teams registered to compete and their projects already well underway (note there are 45 groups listed which included a few which are not competing). If you want to follow the event online, check out the GovHack website, or follow the action on Twitter using the #GovhackRead… Read more »

Global public engagement awards for 2012 open for entry

If you’ve been involved in public engagement or public participation over the last twelve months, it is worth checking out the International Association for Public Participation’s (IAP2) global Core Values Awards for 2012. Open now for entry, the IAP2’s Core Values Awards recognise the best public participation activities by organisations from around the world, basedRead… Read more »