Posts By Craig Thomler

Is it theft if you personalise & retain an official social media account when you leave an organisation?

One of the legal and ethical dilemmas organisations are beginning to struggle with is the ownership of social media accounts. When a staff member creates and uses a social media account solely or mainly for official organisational purposes they can build a large following over months or years based entirely on their paid work activities.Read… Read more »

Canberra event: Public interest journalism and its digital future

Organised by the Public Interest Journalism Foundation, as part of the New News public events program, Public interest journalism and its digital future is a public event in Canberra on the evening of 29 May. I’m taking part in the discussion, alongside Mr Denmore and Professor Matthew Ricketson. It should be a very interesting evening!Read… Read more »

Guesting on #GovChat today

This week I am the guest on #GovChat, a Canadian operated weekly Twitter chat through PSLeader, featuring high profile public service and thought leaders from around the world. The chat starts at 10:00AM today for Aussie east coasters, 9:30AM in the middle and at 8:00AM if you’re in the west. For participants around the world:Read… Read more »

From talking at citizens to talking with them

Rather than writing a blog post today, I’ve linked to an article I wrote for the Public Informant last week that was published today: From talking at citizens to talking with them Please feel free to leave your comments below. eGov AU Craig Thomler’s personal Gov 2.0 and eGovernment thoughts and speculations from an AustralianRead… Read more »

Two year review – has the Australian Government delivered on its Government 2.0 commitments?

It has been almost exactly two years since the Australian Government responded to the Government 2.0 Taskforce report on 3rd May 2010. The response, which committed to implement most of the recommendations in the report, was made under Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and with the support of former Finance Minister Lindsay Tanner (neither of whomRead… Read more »

Patient Opinion launches in Australia

One of the UK’s social media success stories, Patient Opinion, has now launched an Australian website at Patient Opinion, which has been live since 2005, allows patients to rate and comment on their experience with health providers. It has been an amazing (if sometimes painful) success in the UK, leading to a number ofRead… Read more »

Intranet Innovation Awards 2012 open for entries

Step Two’s annual global Intranet Innovation Awards for 2012 are now open for entry until 31 May 2012. If you’ve done something extraordinary with your intranet this is a great way to get your organisation recognised for this work and share your idea with others across the intranet space. The awards aren’t just for entireRead… Read more »

What are Australian Government agencies using social media to achieve?

I’m still collecting responses to my FOI request, however felt it worth providing some interim data on what Australian Government agencies are telling me that they are using social media to achieve. Of the 166 FOI requests I sent out, I have, so far, received 59 legitimate responses in survey format (35%), another 10-20 inRead… Read more »