Posts By Craig Thomler

If Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus and MySpace were Aussie states

Many of you are probably aware that Facebook’s active membership is larger than the population of the world’s third largest country, however the numbers are getting too big to relate to Australia. So I’ve taken the idea and compiled a view of Australia by state, including the main social networks used by Aussies as ifRead… Read more »

Frequently Asked Questions for Gov 2.0: How do we handle negative comments from citizens?

One of the biggest concerns agencies have when considering social media engagement is how they handle negative comments from participants – ranging from abuse and bullying through to criticism of agencies and party politicking. Of course these kinds of conversations may already be going on about an organisation online – through forums, blogs, social networksRead… Read more »

Launch of the ACT chapter of the Change Management Institute

Every innovation and productivity improvement, machinery of government change and Gov 2.0 initiative embedded in the business-as-usual operations of an agency is a change, therefore I am pleased that Tim Little, after years running a successful Change Management Group in the ACT, has been able to take the major step of founding the ACT ChapterRead… Read more »

ACBI Broadband Apps Day 2012 in Sydney

I’ve just been let know that the Australian Centre for Broadband Innovation (ACBI) is hosting a Broadband Apps Day at Australian Technology Park in Sydney on Friday 27 April. As their summary about the event states, Apps – simple, useful applications that run on smart phones and tablets – are becoming increasingly popular, but whereRead… Read more »

Frequently Asked Questions for Gov 2.0: How do we manage the resourcing requirements of engaging online?

Another question I get asked regularly is “How do we manage the resourcing requirements of engaging online?” This is an interesting ‘length of string’ question as the resourcing requirements of social media vary dramatically depending on why and how an organisation chooses to use social media. Generally the more engaging your participation the higher theRead… Read more »

Frequently Asked Questions about Gov 2.0: How do we convince risk-averse management to say yes to social media initiatives?

This is the second in my series of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) posts to address some of the ‘persistent’ questions related to social media and Government 2.0. The question I am addressing is “How do we convince risk-averse management to say yes to social media initiatives?” This is one of the most common questions IRead… Read more »

Addressing Frequently Asked Questions on Gov 2.0: Will we receive feedback from a representative sample of the community via online consultation techniques?

I’ve decided to write a series of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) posts to address some of the ‘persistent’ questions related to social media and Government 2.0 I get asked. These are questions I have been asked time and time again by various groups around Australia and overseas during presentations and meetings. The first question IRead… Read more »