Posts By Craig Thomler

Online Community Management survey launches for Australia and New Zealand

Quiip and Delib Australia have launched the first online community management survey for Australia and New Zealand. The survey aims to help local organisations and individuals better understand the skills required to work in these professions, help uncover role challenges, training and support needs and the actual work and salaries that online community management andRead… Read more »

Remove PDFs from your site to save money and increase traffic by 160x – the experience of the Vic Department of Primary Industries

While there may now be accessibility techniques for PDFs, this doesn’t mean that the format is necessarily the most appropriate for displaying information on the web and attracting usage, as the Victorian Department of Primary Industries discovered when they removed all PDFs from their website and converted them to web pages. As reported in thwRead… Read more »

Australian government agencies achieving the highest click-throughs of all sectors for email marketing campaigns

I’ve been browsing the latest Email Market Matrics Australia report from Vision6 and it definitely has good news for government agencies. This series of reports has been running since the second half of 2006 and has, for me, provided a very useful insight into the effectiveness of email marketing in Australia over the last fiveRead… Read more »

govdex upgrade coming soon!

In all the time I worked in the public service I had a fondness for govdex. As a secure collaboration system (built from the Confluence wiki platform) for government, it was often one of the few pre-built tools that agencies could use to share information between agencies. Although it did, at times, suffer from slowRead… Read more »

Co-Design conference day 2

We’re into day 2 of the Co-Design for Citizen-Centric Service Delivery conference and I will be liveblogging part of the day. Unfortunately I am presenting this morning, and have to run away early for a flight, however will cover as much as I can. Co-Design conference day 2 eGov AU Craig Thomler’s personal Gov 2.0Read… Read more »

Is online influence measurable or meaningful?

Online influence is a hot topic right now, with companies such as Klout, PeerIndex, Empire Avenue and Kred all building online services that aim to measure the influence of internet users, in order to better target advertising dollars. But how effective are these services really? Does the number of followers, retweets or likes or someRead… Read more »