Posts By Craig Thomler

Australia beyond Gov 2.0 – Gov 2.0 Radio broadcast from the Govinnovate forum

Gov 2.0 Radio has released the live broadcast of the final panel from the Govinnovate conference, ‘Australia beyond Gov 2.0’, one of the panels I participated in. Find out more about the broadcast, panel and Gov 2.0 radio at Or listen to the panel below. More Technology Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with GovRead… Read more »

Partial participation for partial residents?

A challenge for governments today (particularly local ones) is how to consider the views of non-residents, people who travel into their jurisdictions for work, entertainment or other reasons. While consulting them within formal processes is possible, it can be hard to engage them beyond the most cursory involvent in local issues, even when many ofRead… Read more »

What will future digital services in government look like?

On Wednesday I attended Intrepid Minds‘ Digital Service Delivery in Government conference. It was a good conference, with decent attendance and an excellent range of speakers (moving far beyond the usual suspects). At the event I gave a presentation on the future of digital service delivery – a topic which let me discuss some (andRead… Read more »

90% of Australian federal politicians now use Facebook and/or Twitter

I’ve been tracking the number of Australian federal politicians using social media channels for some time, with the proportion using these channels (principally Facebook and Twitter) sitting at the low-mid 70% level for several years (see my last post on this from June 2012). However I’ve just finished updating the figures based on the SeptemberRead… Read more »

Why Australian councils and other governments need to be very careful using SurveyMonkey & other US-owned online engagement tools

I’ve had an interesting and robust conversation online in the last day regarding how Australian councils and governments are using overseas services like SurveyMonkey to collect information from citizens and residents. It’s no secret that SurveyMonkey in particular is widely used, with other tools like SurveyGizmo and Wufoo also used by many Australian councils andRead… Read more »

The Government Data Landscape in Australia – extended

The Gov 2.0 team in the Australian Government CTO’s office in Finance recently released a great list and mindmap of the Government Data Landscape in Australia. This included many of the policy and practical data initiatives across Australian governments. This is a living list and should be expected to grow and change over time, soRead… Read more »

Social media policies from across Australian governments

I’ve been compiling a list of social media policies released by government agencies and councils across Australia as a central resource bank for organisations who are either still in the process of creating their policies, or are interested in reviewing and improving them. Thus far I’ve identified just over 70 policies – a small numberRead… Read more »

How do we solve falling trust in online services before it becomes critical?

A few days ago LinkedIn launched its latest IOS app, Intro. The app promises to integrate LinkedIn profile content directly into emails, allowing more rapid connections and helping give email recipients access to a range of relevant information about the sender. Given both Apple and LinkedIn are well-known brands, many people are likely to trustRead… Read more »

What’s the digital communication capability of Australian governments?

On the back of the UK Government’s second whole-of-government communications plan, the UK Government has been undertaking a Digital Communication Capability review asking (in simple terms), how is digital communication and engagement done, and how could it be improved? The Review has involved consultation with Communications Directors, digital engagement specialists and senior executives across theRead… Read more »

Government as a Social Machine featuring Professor Dame Wendy Hall

I blogged today from the Government as a Social Machine forum hosted by ANZSOG and featuring Professor Dame Wendy Hall from the University of Southampton in the UK. The discussion involved a diverse group of stakeholders from public and private sector organisations and covered the history of the internet and the challenges organisations, particularly governments,Read… Read more »