Posts By David Eaves

Beautiful Maps – Google Maps in Water Colours

You know, really never know what the web is going to throw at you next. The great people over at Stamen Design (if you’ve never heard of Stamen you are really missing out – they are probably the best data visualization company I know) have created a watercolor version of Google Maps. Why? Because theyRead… Read more »

Using BHAG’s to Change Organizations: A Management, Open Data & Government Mashup

I’m a big believer in the ancillary benefits of a single big goal. Set a goal that has one clear objective, but as a result a bunch of other things have to change as well. So one of my favourite Big Hairy Audacious Goals (BHAG) for an organization is to go paperless. I like theRead… Read more »

Next Generation Open Data: Personal Data Access

This post matters. If you’re involved in the healthcare sector or a energy utility, please read. Background This Monday I had the pleasure of being in Mexico City for the OECD’s High Level Meeting on e-Government. CIO’s from a number of countries were present – including Australia, Canada, the UK and Mexico (among others). ButRead… Read more »

Some upcoming talks

Sorry for the lack of posts this week – just some calm before gathering storm. April and May are going to be intense. For those interested in these things I’ve a number of upcoming talks I’ll be giving and and conferences I’ll be attending. Many of these are open to the public in case youRead… Read more »

Citizen Surveillance and the Coming Challenge for Public Institutions

The other day I stumbled over this intriguing article which describes how a group of residents in Vancouver have started to surveille the police as they do their work in the downtown eastside, one of the poorest and toughest neighborhoods in Canada. The reason is simple. Many people – particularly those who are marginalized andRead… Read more » – Data Sets I found that are interesting, and some suggestions

Yesterday was the one year anniversary of the Canadian federal government’s open data portal. Over the past year government officials have been continuously adding to the portal, but as it isn’t particularly easy to browse data sets on the website, I’ve noticed a lot of people aren’t aware of what data is now available (selfRead… Read more »

Sharing ideas about

As some of you may remember, the other week I suggested that on its one year anniversary we hack – specifically, that people share what data sets they find most interesting on the website, especially as it is hard to search it. Initially I’d uploaded a list of all the data sets on theRead… Read more »