Posts By Gadi Ben-Yehuda

Weekly Round-up: April 20, 2012

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Live from Brasilia. Alex Howard has been writing (and recording video) from the Open Government Partnership confab in Brasilia. For those of us who could not make it, he’s helpfully posting all his media in one place. Yet more on mobile and BYOD. Michael Hardy writes an article asking if BYOD is “trendRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: April 13, 2012

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Collaborative Consumption. The Sharing Economy has come to government, at least in the form of car sharing. Alex Howard has a great article that not only details two cities’ experiences in car sharing (Boston and DC), but has some great links to other resources on the general topic of collaborative consumption. A DifferentRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: April 06, 2012

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Users and Mobility. Alice Lipowicz has two articles up on FCW about mobility, one outlining how the FAA asked its employees how they would use mobile tech on the job, the other covering Anil Karmel’s FOSE keynote (and other events) that showed the government is trying to think more about the mobile infrastructureRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: March 30, 2012

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Mobility means many things. GOV.Aol has three pieces on mobility: first, a reprint of a FedInsider article argues that in addition to thinking about hardware (all those shiny new iPads), agencies need to be thinking about the applications they’ll deploy on them. The next two articles are about (guess what?) mobile apps. AndRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: March 23, 2012

This post has been updated to include Dan Chenok’s contributions. Gadi Ben-Yehuda Can you hear me now? Kaifeng Yang, whose 2008 study on citizen particiaption I link to whenever possible, is the principal author of a new book of collected essays and studies on, what else? citizen participation. The State of Citizen Participation in AmericaRead… Read more »

Keeping Our Hats in Separate Boxes: How We Manage Our Civic, Personal, and Professional Online Lives

Recently, I was in an auditorium waiting for a distinguished lecturer. He came out to a standing ovation, and when everyone was seated, said: “Your applause is humbling; an hour ago my 14-year old daughter told me in no uncertain terms that I was cruel, unreasonable, and didn’t know anything about anything.” A few weeksRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: March 16, 2012

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Transparency not-yet-accomplished. Alice Lipowicz writes in Federal Computer Week that many agencies have yet to complete their current transparency plans, though their next-gen plans are due in April. Mobility on the way. Lisa Schlosser, deputy chief information officer at OMB, talked about mobility in the federal government with Wyatt Kash of Gov.AOL. KeyRead… Read more »

Overcoming Obstacles to Social Media Use in Government

Participants in the Government Social Media Class offered by Digital Government University’s recently compiled a list of common arguments they’ve heard against the use of social media in government. How do you counter–firmly, but politely–these arguments? Are there any others that you encounter and have had to defend against? Please respond to these and addRead… Read more »

Social Media in Government Reading Discussion: Clay Shirky’s “Cognitive Surplus”

This week, we read Clay Shirky’s Cognitive Surplus Why I assigned this book There are a few different kinds of value that government agencies can wring from social media. The first is simply to use it as a venue for engaging citizens. Another is to listen to citizens as they talk to one another. StillRead… Read more »