Posts By Glen Thomas

Blue Pencil & Gold Screen Awards Early Submission Deadline Tomorrow (December 7)

2013 Blue Pencil & Gold Screen Awards Competition Call for Entries Join NAGC and Save on Entries! ONLY ONE DAY LEFT: Early Submission Deadline: Dec. 7, 2012 Be recognized! Enter your best work in the National Association of Government Communicator’s 2013 Blue Pencil & Gold Screen Awards Competition. This annual international awards program recognizes superiorRead… Read more »

NAGC Communications Director speaks to Russian delegates

By Derrick G. Silas (Деррик Дж. Сайлас), Communications Director for the National Association of GovernmentCommunicators and Web Communications Developer for the City of Enid (Oklahoma). In October 2012, I had the privilege of speaking to Russian delegates who visited Enid, Oklahoma as part of the Open World Program. The program brings young political and civicRead… Read more »

City, State, County, Tribal Government Communicators….this is for you!

by Marisa Ellison, Competitions Director for the National Association of Government Communicators and Customer Relations Manager for the Missouri Department of Transportation (Northeast District) This blog is not meant to slight our colleagues at the federal level. Believe me…there are many opportunities for all government communicators to get involved in NAGC. This post, however, isRead… Read more »

NAGC President’s Message

Hello fellow government communicators, As many of you who have met me probably know, I have two young boys who provide my life with continual anecdotes. A few weeks ago, my son was acting a bit hyper while we were out for dinner, and I told him not to act crazy at the restaurant. HisRead… Read more »

How to Submit a Winning Blue Pencil/Gold Screen Entry Teleconference Nov. 14

Be recognized! Enter your best work in the National Association of Government Communicator’s 2013 Blue Pencil & Gold Screen Awards Competition. This annual international awards program recognizes superior government communication products and those who produce them. Complete details and entry forms are available at Don’t Miss Winning Tips Join past winners and judges forRead… Read more »

Sit In the BIG Chair. . . Be a Blue Pencil/Gold Screen Judge!

by Marisa Ellison, Competitions Director for the National Association of Government Communicators and Customer Relations Manager for the Missouri Department of Transportation (Northeast District) If you’re like me, when you sign up for something, you’re in it for the long haul. You don’t give 50% or 75%…you give 110%. As communicators and public relations professionals,Read… Read more »

2013 NAGC Blue Pencil & Gold Screen Awards Call for Entries

Be recognized! Enter your best work in the National Association of Government Communicator’s 2013 Blue Pencil & Gold Screen Awards Competition. This annual international awards program recognizes superior government communication products and those who produce them. Complete details and entry forms are available at This year there are 41 categories to choose from, includingRead… Read more »

Keeping the Sanity During Election Time

I’m employed by local government, so the presidential election does not have a direct effect on my organization and daily duties. However, I’m interested in hearing from our federal communicators on how they deal with it. How do you keep everyone’s focus, and what steps do you take to prepare for possible change of presidents?Read… Read more »