Posts By John Geraci

Wednesday’s Coffee Meetup Was a Success. Let’s Do It Again!

Yesterdays’ coffee meetup at Vbar that I announced with little or no warning was a big success. Several people stopped by and had coffee, and we talked about our projects, our startups, the opportunities and challenges we’ve got in front of us right now. People made connections, email addresses were traded. And best of all,Read… Read more »

Is Re-Branding the New Pivot?

I was at an entrepreneurs event last night where three separate people told me they were in the process of rebranding their already-launched startup. One told me that since they’ve started using their new name in conversations, they’ve been making more deals and are getting better reactions from investors. Nobody at the entire event mentionedRead… Read more »

A Little A/B Testing on American Politics, Anyone?

There’s a lot that’s great about the U.S. political system. So much that I wont bother to go into it here. But there’s also a LOT that’s bad about it, and that bad part isn’t getting any better. That’s not controversial to say – it’s actually the one thing that everyone in the country agreesRead… Read more »

Reporting Live From pariSoma in SF

I’m here in the middle of my second day working from pariSoma, the “innovation loft” in San Francisco (and headquarters for the San Francisco arm of faberNovel) and thought I’d take a minute to check in on the blog. pariSoma is a very cool space. A huge, split-level building with plants and what looks likeRead… Read more »