Posts By Joshua Millsapps

3 Questions to ask before you make a big decision

Oftentimes l will have somebody come into my office and sketch something out pretty quickly and then look for a decision on the spot. Now if you don’t make the decision quickly you’re holding up progress but there’s always the risk that by making the decisions without the right information, you leave yourself open toRead… Read more »

Designing Dashboards: Important questions everyone should be asking

I was talking to a client the other day about the particular dashboard we were putting together for them. We had a few different people in the room and we were discussing: What should go on it What should be left off What sort of decisions it will help support How often would different peopleRead… Read more »

Finding your rhythm: Not just for sports

Athletes talk about getting into a rhythm all the time. They talk about having a feeling like the next shot is going to go in or the next swing is going to be a hit. If you listen to any commentator, whether it’s a football game, baseball game, or a soccer game, when somebody’s doingRead… Read more »