Top Women CIOs in government
Check out Fierce Government IT’s Top Women CIOs in government to see how this top talent ring stacks up at Judi
Check out Fierce Government IT’s Top Women CIOs in government to see how this top talent ring stacks up at Judi
Check out this week’s Fierce Government IT article on the July 4 hack attacks. How long will it take the government to realize its computer systems are sitting ducks for big-time cyber attacks in ways they can’t imagine? Check out:
Federal CIO Vivek Kundra took over this newly created job and hasn’t stopped working. In an interview with Information Week, he outlines some of the initiatives he would like to see and how he plans to get there. For a look at what he’s saying, check out Fierce Government IT’s post at
Check out Federal Government IT’s interview with Alan Balutis, an IT exec with 27 years of experience in government. You will get his view on what government needs to do to embrace 2.0 and deal with other pressing cybersecurity issues. Just go to for an interesting interview.
There’s always a lesson to learn in a project failure. And this time, it involves RetireEZ, the Office of Personnel Management’s project that would give potential government retirees the tools to figure out their pensions. OPM said it was too tough to accomplish and has gone back to the paper-based drawing board to figure outRead… Read more »
President Obama announced a cybersecurity plan on Friday, putting the issue front and center for the administration. It’s a good thing, too, because cybersecurity threats are increasing across government and the private sector. It’s become so serious that the Pentagon is initiating its own military-style cyberdefense command to help protect U.S. networks. And Obama isRead… Read more »
Today’s Fierce CIO highlights an article in this week’s Business Week assessing the best cities in the U.S. to find IT jobs. It’s a great slide show that includes the average salaries, the number of IT jobs available and other details about each city. And it offers you an easy reference to finding an ITRead… Read more »
There’s plenty of IT dollars in President Obama’s stimulus package and proposed 2010 budget. It’s a matter of identifying it, targeting it and using it. A preliminary analysis of IT spending by Input, an IT think tank, identifies where the money is located in the federal budget and what agencies will benefit. No surprise thatRead… Read more »
It’s pretty amazing, but the Interior Department has not been keeping tabs on its laptops. According to an Inspector General’s report, the agency cannot find 20 percent of its laptops. And that’s a pretty bad report card for any agency and raises real questions about what information was stored on those laptops and why wasn’tRead… Read more »
The Obama admnistration is still putting all the pieces of the puzzle together for transparency and information technology. But the appointments of a federal CIO and CTO are not the end. There’s plenty of speculation there will be a cyber czar, too! Wow. What a change from previous administrations and how 21st century? For moreRead… Read more »