Posts By Kate Hash

Energy: Who Bought It & What We Paid

The two EIA graphs above tell a good-news/bad-news tale. The good news? Industrial and transportation energy costs have gone down significantly lately. The bad news? Residential and commercial costs haven’t, and those two of the sectors that have grown the most, by consumption, since 1960. Thanks to the EIA for the visuals! Original post

News of the Week

Here is a brief list of some of the interesting sustainability news articles from this week: Tax Policy Blowing in the Wind Top 10 Unanswered Biofuels Questions for 2011 Case Set to Challenge EPA’s GHG Regs State Department Partnership with 1E Slashes PC Energy Use And you’ll find more headlines at! Original post

Wireless EV Charging

Nissan’s wireless charging system video just made nearly every other charging system look dated. We haven’t seen details on charging times for the wireless option, but assuming that it’s competitive, wireless charging may be here to stay. That is, if it is actually launched when the insiders predict – 2013. Original post

News of the Week

Here is a brief list of some of the interesting sustainability news articles from this week: Investments in Renewable Energy Greater Than Fossil Fuels for First Time Global Emissions Grow at Record Rate as Nations Seek Climate Treaty Washington Gas Announces 70% Greenhouse Emissions Cut New California Laws Clear the Way for Renewable Energy ProjectsRead… Read more »

What is the Opposite of a Solar Subsidy?

The answer, apparently, might be something like India’s recent solar auction. India has a goal of installing 20,000 megawatts of solar power by 2022. But instead of subsidizing the industry to spur growth, India has set up a reverse auction. According to a recent article in Bloomberg, under the program, the government [of India] proposedRead… Read more »

GSA, Metro to Coordinate on Locations

With all of the excitement of GOVgreen last week, we didn’t get to share a very interesting article from The Washington Post with you. As reported by the Post, the GSA and Metro are planning to coordinate Metro service and future federal facilities locations to provide federal employees with public transit options at the newRead… Read more »