Posts By Kyle Ridley

Electronic health records continue to revolutionize health care

Deltek Analyst Aila Altman reports. At the core of the countless benefits electronic health records (EHR) provide is the enhanced communication between medical professionals and patients. An up-to-date, comprehensive and accurate patient record enables medical professionals to make quality decisions regarding patient care. EHRs also help eliminate health risks such as dangerous drug interactions andRead… Read more »

Despite reluctance, states acknowledge looming deadline for insurance exchanges

Deltek Analyst Amanda White reports. The January 1, 2014 federal deadline for states to have health insurance exchanges up and running is fast approaching, and as summer comes to a close, states are realizing just how fast time is flying. Surprisingly, several states have yet to pass legislation to set up the infrastructure, and inRead… Read more »

The future of food assistance: state vs. federal control

Deltek Analyst Aila Altman reports. With 46 million Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) recipients nationwide – up from 27 million just four years ago – the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is contemplating how it can accommodate the ever-increasing need for food assistance in America. As part of the federal stimulus package, additional funding forRead… Read more »

Fairfax County budget still tight, but revenues are looking up

Deltek Associate Research Analyst Lindsay Clifton reports. Fairfax County’s FY 2012 balanced budget weighs in at $6.1 billion with the county turning a corner to produce a budget surplus. The budget will keep spending to a bare minimum by funding all necessary operational requirements and priorities and not expanding any current programs. As Fairfax CountyRead… Read more »

National Health IT Week – Health Information Exchanges

Deltek Analyst Kate Tussey reports. It would be hard to write a blog series for Health IT (HIT) Week and not include today’s topic: health information exchanges (HIE). For those new to the subject, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 provided approximately $150 billion in health care spending, including $564 million underRead… Read more »

National Health IT Week kicks off

Deltek Analyst Stephen Moss reports. Good Monday morning and welcome to Deltek’s blog series in honor of National Health Information Technology (HIT) Week. In its sixth year, National Health IT Week gives us an opportunity to both reflect on the intense progress we’ve seen in the state and local health IT market over the lastRead… Read more »

Health Care and Social Services August Review

Deltek Analyst Stephen Moss reports. I recently saw a pundit on cable news attempting to answer the question, “Why do bad things always happen in August?” To that question I can offer no insight, but I can attest to the underlying premise. August 2011 proved to be an especially tumultuous month for those of usRead… Read more »

Good news: State health care budget and IT projections

Deltek Senior Analyst Chris Cotner reports. The national health care debate has waxed and waned for decades, with the obvious recent history of Clinton’s failed foray and Obama’s push for national health care reform. Two main drivers behind the discussion are the rapidly rising cost of health care (HC) and the massive baby-boomer generation enteringRead… Read more »