Posts By Nicholas Charney

Thoughts About and Analysis of the 2011 Public Service Employee Survey

Last week the Treasury Board Secretariat released the results of the 2011 Public Service Employee Survey (PSES). According to the Treasury Board Secretariat website: The Public Service Employee Survey (PSES) has been conducted every three years since 1999. It provides employees the opportunity to anonymously voice their opinions on their leadership, workforce and work environment.Read… Read more »

For those who think they lack the courage

If someone walked up to you and punched you in the stomach, you’d probably react. You’d lash out; you’d walk away; you’d defend yourself. Yet, everyday you come into work, sit down at your desk, power up your pc and get willingly get sucker punched by culture around you. The blow steals your breath, youRead… Read more »

That fundamental change we’ve been talking about

Visual notes taken by @Prugelmeister at #goc3 Wednesday I attended Collaborative Management Day. The highlight of the day for me was watching the Clerk of the Privy Council listen intently and respond genuinely as a handful of public servants from across the country asked him questions, sought his support and even expressed their frustrations. TheRead… Read more »

Used to be a public servant, took an arrow to the knee

Don’t worry if you don’t immediately recognize the verbiage, “taking an arrow to the knee” is an internet meme popularized by the action/role-playing video game Skyrim. In Skyrim … … the town guard non-player characters (NPCs) have several stock lines they repeat when the player walks near them, including a bewildered statement about “curved swords”,Read… Read more »

The first step to thinking outside the box, is stepping outside it

I don’t care how specialized your organization’s mandate is, there will always be more information and knowledge outside your organization than within it. So here’s a question, why are organizations spending money on the dividing line between the two? Why are organizations effectively cutting off employees from the resources they need to accomplish their missionRead… Read more »

The plight of the clay layer

“When I go to Heaven, I’ll Spank God’s Ass” by alphadesigner Let’s face it, new hires want everything. Senior management, perpetually seeking out the best and the brightest, hopes to give these new hires everything they desire but are often too busy with the work to bring the change to the bowels of the organization,Read… Read more »

Authenticity is my only metric

My thoughts are a mess – this week has been intense both on and off the ice; invariably many thoughts have passed through my head, but I haven’t had the time I need to collect them. That said, I suggest you read the transcript from this year’s Gordon Osbaldeston Lecture given by Allan Gregg (aRead… Read more »

Look who’s talking about the new Web 2.0 Guidelines

If you guessed me, you’d be wrong. Here is everything I have read thus far on the subject (presented in the order I read them): Address by Tony Clement, President of the Treasury Board, at PSEngage Guideline for External Use of Web 2.0 Guideline for Digital Oblivion (Jarius Khan) Web 2.0 Comes to Ottawa WithRead… Read more »