Posts By Pam Broviak

Checking out West Coast Tech Talk

Part of the fun of blogging is the opportunity to connect with others who love what you do. In my case, that’s anything public works related! One of the people I recently talked to online was @lahtnesorm. He’s a civil engineering technology student on Vancouver Island who blogs about CAD. His site has helpful informationRead… Read more »

A Day in the Life of a Civil Engineer – Day 54 & 55

Day 54 I waited until today to post about yesterday (Tuesday) because I ended up not spending the whole day at work. I started the day preparing for a meeting with the city admininstrator and other directors in the city. Normally my supervisor, the director of public works, goes to these meetings. But since heRead… Read more »

A Day in the Life of a Civil Engineer – Day 52

Day 52 Although I worked in the office for a few hours today mainly on correspondence and checking with our inspector and engineers to find out the status of some projects, most of my day was spent at our APWA Public Works Camp. This event is our second unconference session that we’ve hosted, and bothRead… Read more »

A Day in the Life of a Civil Engineer – Day 49

Day 49 APWA Tour of Concrete Products Plant Today we had an APWA luncheon meeting. And after the meeting we toured Welch Brothers – a concrete product manufacturer located in St. Charles, Ill. I knew this would be an outstanding tour because many years ago when I was in college at Iowa State, they tookRead… Read more »