Posts By Paul Wolf

We Need Public Financing Of Elections

Political campaigns are where power and cash meet. Politicians need lot’s of money to run for office. People seeking jobs or government business provide the money politicians need. The current campaign process truly is a “pay to play” system in that the best way to get a politicians attention is by donating money to theirRead… Read more »

Continuous Improvement Is About Engaging Employees

Not very long ago Honeywell was a troubled company. Several years ago Honeywell changed how it operated by focusing on continuous improvement and engaging all levels of employees. The new management approach, which also involved the implementation of Six Sigma has had a positive impact. Every department in Honeywell, including the smallest shop-floor unit startsRead… Read more »

7 Basic Principles For Open Government

The steps necessary to making government more transparent are often not that expensive or cumbersome. What is needed more than anything is a change of mindset among government officials. Several civic organizations including Citizens Union, Common Cause New York, League of Women Voters of New York State, and the New York Public Interest Research GroupRead… Read more »

Empowering Residents Through Participatory Budgeting

Kudos to four New York City Councilmembers who are letting residents of their districts have a say in how some discretionary funds are being spent. Joe Moore an Alderman from Chicago has also utilized Participatory Budgeting, which I discussed in a previous blog post. An article in the New York Times highlights how Participatory BudgetingRead… Read more »

Should Elected Officials Be Required To Resign Before Seeking Another Office?

Recently I learned that the City of Philadelphia Charter requires city elected officials to resign their position if they want to run for another public office. Six years ago a city councilmember attempted to remove the requirement for city elected officials to resign when seeking another public office and city voters defeated eliminating the law.Read… Read more »

Ordering A Pizza With A Fridge Magnet!

The VIP fridge magnet, standing for Very Important Pizza, can be synced to smartphones so customers can complete their order through bluetooth. Once your preferred type of pizza is set up, by simply pushing the magnet your order will be electronically submitted and delivered. Only one pizzeria in Dubai is set up to do thisRead… Read more »

Are Change Leaders Polarizing Figures Or Consensus Builders?

Mark Funkhouser a former Mayor of Kansas City has written an interesting post titled “Our Misguided Love Affair With Political Consensus”. Funkhouser states: “Journalists seem to see the ability to build consensus as the epitome of political leadership, but in actuality political leadership almost never involves consensus. Consensus favors the status quo, not progress.” Funkhouser’sRead… Read more »