Posts By Paul Wolf

Buffalo Sewer Utilizing Creative Green Ideas

The past few weeks I have come across several articles highlighting creative efforts being undertaken by the Buffalo Sewer Authority: 1) Porous Pavement Streets– have been installed on both Clarendon Place and Claremont Avenue, which allows rainwater to permeate directly into the ground. Porous pavement reduces the amount of storm water entering the sewers, whichRead… Read more »

How 3 Cities Are Seeking New Ideas

Louisville, Baltimore and Chicago are seeking new ideas from their employees to improve city services. Neil Kleiman, a special advisor to the dean of New York University’s Wagner Graduate School of Public Service, highlighted in a recent article how these three cities are seeking new ideas. Louisville– Mayor Greg Fischer applied for and received aRead… Read more »

Imagine Getting A Building Permit In 24 Hours

Dealing with the bureaucracy of government is frustrating for citizens and employees. What should be a simple task often takes months and involves multiple departments. Many government officials just accept backlogs and delays as the way things are done while others push for ways to improve how government operates. The Phoenix Arizona City Council recentlyRead… Read more »

Is Your City/County Charter Being Followed?

A local government’s Charter is an important legal document that specifies what officials must do or can’t do when operating government. Like the United States Constitution, a charter is the supreme law as to a local governments powers and responsibilities. One of the first things a newly elected official should do is to review theRead… Read more »

What Happens After Performance Numbers Are Reported?

Most local governments resist setting and evaluating performance goals. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to their credit requires local governments that receive HUD funds to submit a Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER). The CAPER explains how a local government is carrying out its housing and community development strategies, projects,Read… Read more »

Chicago Hires An Advertising Consultant, Should Other Cities Do The Same?

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel estimates that Chicago can raise $25 million by letting companies advertise on city assets. Chicago has now hired an advertising consultant at a cost of $144,000 to help the City generate advertising revenue. Other municipalities have considered creative ways to generate advertising revenue such as: – transit riders in Philadelphia buyRead… Read more »