Posts By Rob Richards

May 12, Berkeley/SOMA Workshop Workshop

The Berkeley/SOMA Workshop will be held 12 May 2010 at The Mitchell Kapor Foundation in San Francisco, California, USA. Click here for the conference program. The Twitter hashtag for the conference is #lawgov. Click here for information about the legal open government data project.

New Tool for Visualizing Congressional Bills: IBM Many Bills / DocBlocks

Yannick Assogba, Irene Ros, and Matt McKeon, all of the IBM Research Visual Communication Lab, presented DocBlocks: Communication-Minded Visualization of Topics in U.S. Congressional Bills, at CHI 2010: The 28th ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, held 10-15 April 2010 in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Here is the abstract: US Federal legislation is aRead… Read more »

7th Circuit eDiscovery Pilot Program Committee Issues Phase 1 Report

The Seventh Circuit eDiscovery Pilot Program Committee has issued Seventh Circuit eDiscovery Pilot Program: Report on Phase One: May 20, 2009-May 1, 2010 (May 2010). Here is most of the executive summary: The Seventh Circuit Electronic Discovery Pilot Program was initiated in May 2009 as a multi-year, multi-phase process to develop, implement, evaluate, and improveRead… Read more »

Registration Open for: LEX 2010 Summer School: Managing Legal Resources in the Semantic Web

Registration is now open for the LEX 2010 Summer School: Managing Legal Resources in the Semantic Web (formerly the Legislative XML Summer School), to be held 6-11 September 2010, at the University of Bologna’s campus in Ravenna, Italy. The summer school lasts 6 days and “is organized in two courses:” “A Basic Course providing anRead… Read more »

Pew eGov Report Sheds Light on eParticipation & Use of Online Legislation

22% of U.S. Internet users recently surveyed said they had “[d]ownload[ed] or read the text of any legislation” online in the past 12 months, according to Government Online: The Internet Gives Citizens New Paths to Government Services and Information (27 April 2010), a new report published by the Pew Internet and American Life Project. TheRead… Read more »