Posts By Sandy Heierbacher

RFP from the National Institute for Civil Discourse

Here’s an important Request for Proposals from the National Institute for Civil Discourse (an NCDD organizational member, directed by Carolyn Lukensmeyer). The Institute is looking to create a collection of essays that they will make available that decide to convene discussions around gun violence, and we encourage NCDD members to think about what kinds ofRead… Read more »

Citizens’ Institute on Rural Design issues RFP for rural communities facing design challenges

Here’s an announcement from CommunityMatters, a partnership that NCDD is involved in… The Citizens’ Institute on Rural Design (CIRD) is issuing a request for proposals to rural communities facing design challenges to host local workshops in 2013. Successful applicants will receive a $7,000 grant and in-kind design expertise and technical assistance valued at $35,000. TheRead… Read more »

Dynamic Facilitation: Ottawa, Pakistan, and Polygamy

This post was submitted by Rosa Zubizarreta of DiaPraxis, an organizational member of NCDD. Contact Rosa at [email protected] if you have questions about this post. “From Conflict to Creative Community: A transformative Dynamic Facilitation learning journey” will be taking place in Ottawa on May 1-3, 2013. Discount available for NCDD members. For a fairly conventionalRead… Read more »

Today & Tomorrow Only! Free e-Book of “The Moment of Oh!”

Attention Amazon Kindle users! Don’t miss out on a great opportunity from NCDD organizational member, CivilSay! Today and tomorrow, you can download a free copy of The Moment of OH! by John Blakinger and Greg Ranstrom on to your Kindle e-Book reader. Not a Kindle user? Well, you can still order a copy of theirRead… Read more »

Johnson County Library to host dialogue on Newtown tragedy

This Thursday at 7pm, Johnson County Library in Kansas is hosting A Conversation about Sandy Hook. Louisa Whitfield-Smith, the Civic Engagement Librarian at Johnson County Library, is inviting civic engagement organizations across the nation to get involved in whatever way they see fit — including sending resources, ideas for next steps, and information on deliberation.Read… Read more »

From NIFI: Some Resources for Deliberating about Violence

The following is a beginning collection of resources from the National Forums Institute news page that may be helpful to those who would like to deliberate about violence, and/or to frame violence-related issues. NIF is known for its careful, well-researched strategies for “naming and framing” issues in a balanced way that represents a variety ofRead… Read more »

NCDD Year in Review — and Request for Support!

This has been quite the year, for NCDD and all of us. Our tiny staff (me, Andy and Joy) and our amazing Board and volunteers do the best we can to support the dialogue and deliberation community. As always, we need your support to keep this work going – so please think us in yourRead… Read more »

Redesigning Democracy Summit – Let Your Voice Be Heard!

This post was submitted by NCDD member John Coggin of the Institute for Emerging Issues at NC State University… We find ourselves in uncharted territory in the wake of the 2012 elections and in the face of upcoming challenges, such as improving the economy and addressing the nation’s debt. Continued polarization will lead to devastatingRead… Read more »