Posts By Sandy Heierbacher

Featured Catalyst Awards Proposal: Building Physical Infrastructure with Civic Infrastructure

NCDD’s Catalyst Awards process is in full swing, with 13 projects posted so far up at Feel free to ask questions, share your reactions, and offer support here as well as at CivicEvolution! Building Physical Infrastructure with Civic Infrastructure Proposed by: Jack Harris Project home: Q. Jack – tell us a little aboutRead… Read more »

League of Extraordinary Trainers offering IAP2 Certificate Training this December

If you work in communications, public relations, public affairs, planning, public outreach and understanding, community development, advocacy, or lobbying, the NEW IAP2 Certificate Training, presented by The League of Extraordinary Trainers (one of our Partners for the 2012 NCDD conference), will help you to increase your skills and to be of even greater value toRead… Read more »

Webinar on “Shaping Our Future” Forums This Friday

We received the following announcement today from the National Issues Forums Institute‘s Patty Dineen for a fantastic webinar being held this Friday. Since this is a little last minute, I’m just going to share the whole announcement… SHAPING OUR FUTURE: WHAT IS HIGHER EDUCATION’S ROLE? Join Us For A Moderator Preparation Webinar on Friday, OctoberRead… Read more »

Conference on civil discourse being held in Seattle immediately before NCDD!

In case you’re not already aware of this, the Evergreen Chapter of the American Society for Public Administration and the Daniel J. Evans School of Public Affairs at the University of Washington holding a two-day conference titled “Civil Discourse to Resolve Governmental Crises: Creating a Path to Action” immediately before NCDD Seattle on October 10thRead… Read more »

2012 NCDD Conference guidebook available for download!

Andy and I are getting ready for our trip to Seattle tomorrow for the 2012 NCDD conference, and we can’t tell you how excited we are to see everybody! We have 376 registrants as of this morning, and our planning team members are all bustling around to make sure everything comes together smoothly. Download ourRead… Read more »

Dialogue Seeds Strong and Growing Change in New Mexico

Dialogue-to-change is not simply a buzzword—it’s an active and real process that sees the bigger picture. The picture that says we can never have an energetic and authentic democracy without being connected to local communities and helping connect the dots to a national movement for change. In 2010, with the generous support of the W.K.Read… Read more »

$100 off the Art of Online Hosting webinar

Here’s a special offer for NCDD members from Adriano Pianesi. I’m considering participating in this online course on the Art of Online Hosting myself! – Sandy I would like to share with you our Webinar Facilitator Certification, “THE ART OF ONLINE HOSTING” online course. If, like me, you are committed to maintaining high standards ofRead… Read more »

Can Film and Dialogue Change the World?

As another presidential election lingers on the horizon, we’re once again reminded of the seemingly irreparable divide that plagues our nation. In fact, public discourse seems to become more polarized every day, as talk show pundits, bloggers and even cable news anchors fling shrill epithets at the “other side.” Of course, our people’s inability toRead… Read more »

Collective Thinking About Public Affairs

In this essay I intentionally subsume the thinking processes of official decision-makers into the thinking processes of the citizenry as a whole. I realize that official decision-makers can and do make decisions independently of the will of the people, unless that public will is united and organized. But elite decisions made independently of the publicRead… Read more »