Posts By Sandy Heierbacher

Engagement 3.0 conference call at 4pm Eastern tomorrow

If you’re serious about engagement, you stopped expecting people to just come to your meetings a long time ago. And if you’re really serious about engagement, you know that even social media and block parties can’t help you reach all the people in your community. The next frontiers in innovative public engagement include a wholeRead… Read more »

Book Club Final Week: Constructive Politics as Public Work

Our summer book club on Democratizing Deliberation comes to a close this week, with Harry Boyte’s chapter “Constructive Politics as Public Work: Organizing the Literature.” Like Harry, this week’s chapter leader, Wendy Willis, is an extraordinary leader in her own right — Wendy is Executive Director of the Policy Consensus Initiative and Deputy Director forRead… Read more »

Announcing the “D&D Showcase” at NCDD Seattle

Friday, October 12th, 4:30-6:00 pm During the reception at this year’s conference, we’re excited to be holding a “D&D Showcase.” The Showcase is a high-energy activity that provides a way for about 25 people in our field to introduce their work and their ideas to the majority of conference participants. It’s a fun way forRead… Read more »

NCDD Resource Center surpasses 2,700 items!

We reached 2,700 items in the NCDD Resource Center yesterday, so it’s a good time to toot our own horn a little — and remind you of what we have to offer at For 10 years now, the National Coalition for Dialogue & Deliberation (NCDD) has been cataloguing and categorizing resources to help youRead… Read more »

Davenport Institute’s 2012 grants for CA public engagement

Here are some details about the 2012 Public Engagement Grant Program run by the Davenport Institute for Public Engagement and Civic Leadership at Pepperdine University (formerly Common Sense California). The grant is open to municipalities and civic organizations in California. This year, the Davenport Institute will be awarding 2-4 grants, with a maximum individual grantRead… Read more »

Advice from the Public Conversations Project on having critical conversations on challenging issues

As our nation attempts to make sense of the tragic shooting in Tucson, it is easy to portion out blame and accountability. Even easier is avoiding conversations with those who hold views different from our own. These patterns shut down communication and, in a charged atmosphere, can quickly lead to polarized conflict, when what mostRead… Read more »

Fall 2012 IAP2 certificate training events

If you work in communications, public relations, public affairs, planning, public outreach and understanding, community development, advocacy, or lobbying, the IAP2 certificate training given by The League of Extraordinary Trainers will help you to increase your skills and to be of even greater value to your employer. New in 2012: Dues-paying NCDD members receive aRead… Read more »

Book Club Week 7: Sustaining Public Engagement

For this week’s NCDD book club discussion on Democratizing Deliberation, Jan Inglis offers a summary of the chapter Sustaining Public Engagement: Embedded Deliberation in Local Communities by authors Elena Fagotto and Archon Fung. Jan has a background in applying research in adult development and complexity science to designing public deliberation and decision making processes inRead… Read more »

Deets for today’s NCDD Confab Call on civic infrastructure

Today’s NCDD confab call starts in a half hour or so. If you’ve registered, look for a reminder email from Ben Roberts that should have arrived in your inbox around 7am Eastern this morning. It includes the call-in number and pin that is specific to you. Note we’ll be using the Google doc at… Read more »