Posts By Sandy Heierbacher

Resources on Jewish-Palestinian Living Room Dialogue

This post was submitted by our good friends and long-time NCDD members Len and Libby Traubman… Elie Wiesel said, and we experience: “People become the stories they hear and the stories they tell.” We are part of a 19-year-old Jewish-Palestinian Living Room Dialogue preparing for its 238th meeting here on the San Francisco Peninsula. ToRead… Read more »

NCDD’s LinkedIn group just reached 1,000 members!

I’ve been a big fan of the NCDD LinkedIn group for the past couple of years, as it has offered people a great space for some rich discussions with thoughtful professionals in our field — without clogging anybody’s inbox. It’s also a good place to hear about new resources, timely articles, and general goings-on inRead… Read more »

The End of Rude: Did the Year of Civil Discourse make it easier to talk about Israel?

This article examines the results of the Year of Civil Discourse, a program dedicated to engaging nearly 1,000 people in grassroots trainings in civility at four Bay Area synagogues over the course of 2011. From the article… “The purpose was not to have people check their opinions at the door,” Porth added. “We wanted peopleRead… Read more »

Healing Conversations Now: Enhance Relationships with Elders and Dying Loved Ones

We might be drawn to initiate Healing Conversations for a variety of reasons: Tony recognized the time was now if he was going to know his mom as a whole person before she died of small-cell lung cancer. Crisis compelled Joan to have more meaningful and powerfully intimate conversations with each of her parents beforeRead… Read more »

Exploring Relational Practices in Peacebuilding, Mediation, and Conflict Transformation

The Taos Institute invites you to attend its 2012 conference, “Exploring Relational Practices in Peacebuilding, Mediation and Conflict Transformation: From the Intimate to the International – a Taos Institute Conference.” The conference will take place in San Diego, California at the Bahia Resort and Conference Center, Mission Bay, November 14-18, 2012. Practitioners, academics and communityRead… Read more »

Social Construction: Entering the Dialogue

In this 2004 book, Ken and Mary Gergen of the Taos Institute present an account of social constructionist thought that enables students, colleagues and practitioners – as well as those who are simply curious – to gain a basic understanding and appreciation of the drama and constructionist ideas in action – in organizations, psychotherapy, education,Read… Read more »

Big breakthroughs in community engagement about Israel and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Here’s a submission from the lovely and tireless Rachel Eryn Kalish, NCDD supporting member and Founding Principal of Workplace Connections… Community engagement these days–about almost anything–is often intense, with more heat than light as a result. When it comes to talking about Israel and the Israeli-Palestinian situation, that heat can burn up even the mostRead… Read more »