Posts By Sarah Lane

Gang bill on Inside Olympia

From the TVW synopsis: “Anti-gang legislation is stirring debate over public safety and civil rights. Host Austin Jenkins interviews Attorney General Rob McKenna, and hosts a panel discussion with an ACLU representative, a police officer, and an ex-gang member.” Original post

Privacy in the era of social media

Attorney General Rob McKenna wrote the following post for our Facebook page today. Additionally, Facebook is sharing McKenna’s post on its Facebook and Privacy Page, which also includes remarks from experts at the the Future of Privacy Forum, Stanford Law School’s Center for Internet and Society, Information Technology and Innovation Foundation and NetChoice. Original post

Service in Ernest

Consumer protection’s beloved grandpa is retiring today. For 20 years, Ernest Cassirer has been a staple in the Attorney General’s Consumer Resource Center in Seattle, taking countless calls from curious, concerned and frequently crass consumers. And he’s done it for free. … Original post