A Top 10 Advice List for Graduates
Top 10 pieces of advice for high school/college graduates.
Top 10 pieces of advice for high school/college graduates.
So you may have heard about that new Hunger Games movie or know a little something a boy named Harry, but honestly, why should you be reading young adult literature (YA Lit)? Isn’t it just for kids? Actually, no, YA Lit is awesome because it can teach some great lessons that you will actually enjoyRead… Read more »
While pronouns have their place in the work world, writers want to maintain precision with their e-mails and memos to avoid confusion. So while I will concur that using pronouns can avoid verboseness, here are two pronouns to use sparingly and the reasons why. 1. Be precise rather than use “it.” If your memo reads,Read… Read more »
As a high school English teacher, it is often rather embarrassing to confess that it took me many years to figure out the rules of comma and semicolon usage. However, I think my students appreciate my lack of perfection and hopefully can better understand that everyone struggles in the art of composition. A few yearsRead… Read more »
On the internet, my persona is “Vocab Gal” and my brother’s is “Mr. GovLoop,” which leads one to the idea that our parents instilled in us a love of words and the feds, which is rather true. My mother and I are both teachers, and my brother and father both government men (my father workedRead… Read more »
A little known fact about GovLoop Founder Steve Ressler is that his sister (moi) is an English teacher, and that I too have my own website (it’s just not nearly as popular) called VocabGal about teaching vocabulary. However, I mentioned to Steve that I could write occasionally for his website about different crossover issues likeRead… Read more »